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Support => Tutorials and Guides => Group Guides => Topic started by: Thunder on 21 03, 2018, 11:25:01 pm

Title: All commands for groups in the game
Post by: Thunder on 21 03, 2018, 11:25:01 pm
Group Commands
1. /gapps <groupName>
- Used to apply for a group in-game.
- Can also be used by group members with rank permision to accept or deny applications. (F6 > Group > Group Applications)
2. /gc <message>
- Send a message to your online group members.
3. /ac <message>
- Send a message to all the online members in the groups which are a part of your alliance.
4. /vehskin <type>
- Used to apply a shader on a vehicle.
- Types: 'p' for a personal shader, 'g' for a group shader and 's' for a squad shader.
5. /gsc text
- Chatbox for group staff chat. Any rank can be given permission to this chat by editing ranks permissions.
6. /gsc text
- Chatbox for group staff chat. Any rank can be given permission to this chat by editing ranks permissions.
7. /checkcustomskin <playerName> <groupOrSquadName<
- To force a check and see if a player is using a shader of a group or squad they don't belong to.
8. /customskin <on/off> or /customskin <on/off> <groupOrSquadName>
- To apply a group or squad skin shader.
9. /addally <group name>
- Enables your alliance's group members blips to your map. Don't include a group name to add them all.
10. /deleteally <group name>
- Deletes the alliance's group blips from your map. Don't include a group name to delete them all.
11. /customtitles
- Manage your personal custom titles or titles that are from your group/squad.
12. /buygroupslots <amount>
- Buys additional group slots (default is 20) at $50,000 each, max is 150.
13. /groupchatcolor R G B
- Changes your group’s chat colour (for all members). However, everyone can change the color that will appear so for themselves only in /settings. Founder has access to this command, and can delegate this power to other ranks.
14. /headlights
- Used to change the headlights color of your vehicle. It can also be used as a tool to get RGB color codes for many things like turf colors, group chat color, etc. To close it simply click outside the panel.
15. /groupjob
- Allows the members of official groups to have their own job or assign it to other players.
16. /copygrouplog
- Allows you to copy all the group history to clipboard.
Title: Re: All commands for groups in the game
Post by: TheHacker on 22 03, 2018, 05:55:13 am
There is already a topic here which explains these:
Title: Re: All commands for groups in the game
Post by: PekPek on 28 03, 2018, 02:19:52 pm
Show content
5. /gsc text
- Chatbox for group staff chat. Any rank can be given permission to this chat by editing ranks permissions.
6. /gsc text
- Chatbox for group staff chat. Any rank can be given permission to this chat by editing ranks permissions.
Can u fix this ? Double text.
Title: Re: All commands for groups in the game
Post by: M3dusa on 29 04, 2018, 07:34:07 pm
We've another topic regarding this, thanks for your efforts though.