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[+++] Addition of a new column in "Players Online" page on the forum

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Over the past years, I have noticed that players often change their nicknames, causing some confusion around. The one thing that stays the same is their account name, which is crucial for identifying them.

In order to make things clearer and easier for regular players to identify other players, I would like to suggest the addition of a new column which be located in "Players Online" page that may be found on the homepage specially for displaying player account names. The new column may be named as "Account" and be the second one in the row - between "Name" and "Occupation".

Adding a whole new column for player account names in the "Players Online" page would be useful, especially when regular players are reviewing applications concerning their group, squad, or community duties. This slight update would help reviewers to access essential details about an applicant without needing to be online, like "current group", "occupation", "country code", is the player online and so on.

Another scenario would be when you are searching for a specific player online using their nickname. However, if the player has changed their nickname (the one, you know him as), tracking them down becomes very challenging and barely possible, unless staff team gets involved to help with the tools they have.


I am suggesting the addition of a new column in "Players Online" page ( that be showing the account name of the online players. This will help the community in various situations, especially when we are looking for a certain individual, but they are changing their nickname very frequently.

Having the concept extended to the top 50 richest/civs/cops/crims/etc would be neat too.


This idea is really nice ngl :tick:



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