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[Nuko][+++] Ingame voting system for large proposed suggestions (up/down-voting)

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Title: Adding ingame voting system for large proposed suggestions (up/down-voting only)

Often enough rather large updates are pushed out and then people start complaining because the change wasn't as good, or because there weren't enough people voting on the suggestion. I have an idea in mind that will reduce or even resolve at some point this problem:

My suggestion is to create a window with a grid list that contains the titles of suggestions that are rather huge. What do I mean by huge? updates like these:

--- Quote ---Wednesday 13th March 2024
- Made Uzi/Tec9/Colt go from dual to single weapon. (Arran + Sp1)
--- End quote ---

The way it would work:
1. A developer places a suggestion title to the panel. (Keep in mind this only counts for game changing suggestions, not minor suggestions!)
2. Players get notified about this suggestion. Online players receive a message, people that login will receive one as well.
3. You can then open the window (most likely to be used under '/vote'), select the title of the suggestion, and cast your vote.
4. You can only vote by clicking 'Upvote' or 'Downvote'. This is where the key difference is at. This system will not allow replying to suggestions, just voting.
5. After enough time has passed (set by the developer), the votes will be globally shared, as well sent to the developers for possible implementation.

This will make a huge difference in voting because we have at least 10 times the amount of players logging in daily, than the amount that casted their vote on the suggestion. To make sure every player votes on what they think is best, the amount of upvotes and downvotes will not be shown in the panel. Tweaks can be made over time but the most important stuff has been mentioned. Of course, forum would still have to be used, but for bigger changes to be implemented, they would also have to be passed through the people who do not vote on forum but play the game.

I was going to work on this, but then heard this has to be suggested.

Few weeks ago I asked about the old "/feedback" command, and since I was inactive they told me it was replaced with "/dev" chat
Tbh the "/feedback" command is needed in such situations to avoid such in game complaints
So, i'm down with the in-game voting system rather it be the old feedback system or a new one

Its different than the feedback command because that is used AFTER the update was implemented. This new idea is to get a voting table on a suggestion from way more people.

Think of it as a poll that lasts for a week (could be few days, up to dev), after that week, results are shown and then we have a clear idea of what really is wanted and what not. There are a lot of people logging in daily and if it only takes a second to vote, it will not be ignored.

Great idea, involving the non-forum users and letting them vote on suggestions through an in-game panel would be good. Not everybody uses the forum, let alone vote on suggestions.

Good idea, supporting  :tick: :tick:


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