Author Topic: Frequently Asked Questions [BROWSE BEFORE POSTING]  (Read 60742 times)

Offline IronMan

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Frequently Asked Questions [BROWSE BEFORE POSTING]
« on: 11 12, 2014, 02:13:15 pm »
CIT - Frequently Asked Questions
Use CTRL+F and try different keywords related to your question to quickly find what you need.

In-game Related Questions & Answers

Why I can't test skins shaders in-game?
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because you need to download an old MTA SA version 1.3.5, click to download then everything will be okay

How can I see my punishlog?
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Use /punishlog

How can I change the F11 map ingame?
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Go to this topic: There is a tutorial on how to use a custom map for F11 and for your mini-map.

What are Factories/Businesses and how can I rent one?
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You can find all the information related to factories and business in this topic (click me).

How can I get drugs and what do they do?
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All the information about CIT drugs can be found in this topic (click me).

How can I boost my car?
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Information of how to boost/tune your car and what you need to boost/tune it can be found in this topic.

My custom blips are bugged, what do I do?
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Lately custom blips have been bugged, if you have them enabled in /settings then you'll know what I am talking about. In order to fix them you must go to your MTA San Andreas Settings, click the Video Tab and disable HUD Match Aspect Ratio, after that you'll notice the minimap will be a bit shrunk and the rest of the interface, but it will still work and look nice and the blips will be fixed.

Here's a video showing you how to produce the steps:

Game is not initializing the download? Or other download-related issues?
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If your CIT is not loading then try delete all the CIT resources you've downloaded. Follow these steps to do that: Your MTA Folder ---> mods --->  deathmatch ---> Resources, delete all the CIT scripts. If you still experience issues, re-install MTA.

If you still can't connect to the server, download Private Tunnel, connect to a server (i.e. UK), download the CIT resources using it. You may disconnect once it's finished and then you should be able to login to CIT's server.

Where can I find the CIT Market to buy or sell items?
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You can find the market by pressing F7 in-game, you can also advertise your items in Trading Channel. (Press J ---> Trading or Use this command: /td <advertisement message>), and you can also advertise in main/team chat as well.

How can I buy a car and how does the vehicle system work?
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Press F11 (or use /gps) and mark a car shop. Once you arrive there, enter the red circle located at the area, select a car from the list that you wish to buy (the green name means you can afford the vehicle, if it's red you don't have enough money to buy that vehicle) and then click the Purchase button. You can spawn/de-spawn and recover the vehicle by pressing F2 and use the buttons there.

More information can be found in this topic (click me).

I cannot connect to ingame, when I try to connect it gives me the error "Nickname already in use", help?
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Don't worry, it's just a random bug that happens randomly, try to contact a staff member and give him/her your account/nick name to kick you ingame, so that you will be able to connect and play.

GTA SA world objects disappearing (like this)?
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It can be fixed by the following way
Esc>Settings>advanced>set streaming memory to max.
Esc>Settings>Video>Set draw distance to max.
CTRL + ALT + DELETE>Terminate programs that are using large portions of your RAM>Restart your MTA

My /myhistory disappeared. What happened? How can I get it back?
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The "myhistory" is no longer a server data (gets saved in the server) it gets saved in your PC (MTA folder>Mods>deathmatch>priv>53B4C5>CITmyHistory) so deleting MTA (Whole MTA files which My history are located in) will result in getting a new clear my history you cannot do anything to get it back but you can prevent this from happing again by going to MTA folder > Mods > Deathmatch > Priv > 53B4C5 > CITmyHistory . You'll find CITmyHistory (note) open it and copy it all and store / save it in somewhere where you can't even lose like desktop etc so if you lost them you'll be able to set it back by following these steps go to MTA folder > Mods > Deathmatch > Priv > 53B4C5 > CITmyHistory , you'll find a note open it and paste all the "myhistory" logs that you copied before losing it.
If you lost your logs then you won't be able to get them back.

How can I change my in-game walkstyle? 
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If you wish to change your in-game walkstyle simply go to a gym.
If you have VIP you can use /movingstyle and choose whatever walk style you want.

How can I remove the camera?
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Take Police Traffic Officer job then press X > Click yourself > Quit job or use /dropweapon

How can I change the email of my Ingame account?
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You can do it by using command /changeemail <new email> <current password>. You will also have to confirm it on your current email.

How can I add/upload music to my /mplayer?
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- A guide with all the information you need to add music to your /mplayer can be found in this topic (click me).

- To upload your own music, Go to, register, then click on "Song URL" around the top right. Upload your MP3 file and fill the correct song name and title. Copy the "Link / Listen" link and put that in your /mplayer and it should play your uploaded song!

Why do I always get frozen and not able to move around?
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Follow the steps in this topic (click me).

How do I record a video?
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You can find a tutorial to record videos in this topic (click me).

I got my password wrong 10 times in 24 hours, what should I do now?
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You have to wait 24 hours and try again. If you forgot your password you can recover it by visiting this link (click me).

How can I install crosshair and fist icons?
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You can find the information that you're looking for in this topic (click me).

How can I send out an advertisement to the entire server in the main chat?
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Press T and type /superadvert <advertisement text here>. This command can only be used once every 3 hours (every 3 minutes if DL3). It costs $150 per online, non-AFK/Idle player.

How can I change my in-game skin?
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If you wish to change your in-game skin simply go to a clothes shop marked with a shirt icon .
If you have VIP you can use /vipskin and choose whatever skin you want.

I have (Ping/FPS/Network Trouble/Packet Loss) Problem what should I do?
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If you're facing Ping/FPS/Network/Trouble/Packet Loss, then check This topic to solve the problem(s).

How can I change my car type?
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You have to visit a mod shop first and then you can change your car type for free, visit this guide for more information about the differences between the types.

Why can't I see my custom title?
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Press T and type /settings, then search for "Custom Titles" and set it to "Enable + See Own".
If you still aren't able to see your custom title, then your FPS might be lower than your "Minimum FPS" that you've put in '/settings' which means low fps mode has been activated.
To remove low FPS mode, you'll have to lower your "Minimum FPS".

Does the mute time count even if I'm offline?
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Yes, it does even if you go offline

How can I make a car shader and test it IG?
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How can I change car plate?
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Use /plate <Text>, the plate shouldn't contain more than 8 characters.

How can I change my account password?
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- To change your password you simply need to open your CIT Phone by pressing B, then click on the application "Phone Settings", then you will see a box with an arrow pointing downwards, click on it and choose "Change Account Password". After that, you can write your old password, choose a new one and confirm it by writing it again, then click "Change Password" and you're done.

How can I create a group or squad?
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Group: - Press F6 and in the left window in the edit box at the top, enter the name of your group and select 'Create Group'.
Squad: - Press F6 and in the center window in the edit box at the top, enter a name of your squad and select 'Create Squad'.

Download Speed Low and Getting Timed Out?
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Download the required files locally through Google Drive : Link

How can I fix FPS problem from CIT settings (/settings)
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Change these stuffs
Radar Image - Change it to = map.png
Classic group, squad, alliance Blip - Yes
Minimap zoom out when fast - No
Minimap Update frequency - 1 (Advised: 7)
Enable Speed Blur - No
Enable Cloud - No
Enable Heat Haze - No
Enable rain - No
Set far clip Distance - 50
Enable random Foliage - No
Enable server gun mods - No
Wash Cars - No
Blue sky or Real night - Default
Weapon Laser - Disabled
Custom Player Skin - Disabled
Custom Vehicle Skin - Disabled
Custom Clothing - Disabled
Player Hats - Disabled
Graffiti - Disabled
Enable Neon upgrades on vehicles - No
Good textures - 101
Water Shader - No
Water Shader #1 - No
Water Shader #2 - No
Bloom Shader - No
Car Reflection Shader - 101
Road Shine shader - No
Detail Shader - 101
Alternate sky shader - No
Contrast shader - No
Enable new hud - No

Forum Related Questions & Answers

The message body was left empty error:
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Read this topic, here is the solution to fix it.

Where can I discuss stuff that's not related to CIT?
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Use the General Chat board (click me). Or use Debates board for real life stuff.

How to request group/squad moderator?
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You can request it from here, that's for squads and for the groups you need to request it from here

Will I get donator title on forum if I buy DLx ingame from someone?
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No, in order to get donator title on forum, you have to donate for it with your own money.

How can I make a complaint against a staff member?
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Visit this link for more information.

Where can I apply for a Community Rank?
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You can apply for it now on this topic:

How can I apply for a group?
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Go here, look for the group you want to apply for, search for a topic with "recruiting/Applications" in Its title, Follow the steps you find in the Topic, and make your Application.
And if you want to apply in-game using the group applications script hit F6 > Group list >Find the group you want to apply for > Double click on it > Fill the application > Submit your application

Or use /gapps <GroupName>

Where can I find the Police Chief / Criminal Boss / State Official boards?
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Click on the ones you wish to visit:
Police Chief
Criminal Boss
State Official

Where can I apply to become a staff?
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Visit this link for more information.
Note: You need to be at least a Regular Community Member to apply.

Note: You need to be at least a Junior Community Member to view the board.

Where can I apply for Guide rank?
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You can apply for it in this board (Create a new topic named "Your name - Guide Application" and read the rules before applying.)

How can I change my forum primary group?
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You may go here and request it.

Where can I report a bug?
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Visit the Quality Assurance Board (click me). If you think it's an exploitable bug, then send it to any QAM Staff via forum PM.

Why does my forum status show "Offline" when I'm online and how do I change that?
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My Profile ---> Account Settings --> tick the box Show others my online status.

How can I suggest something to be added or changed, and where do I vote on these as well?
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Discussion Board where you can suggest new ideas and all community can say there opinion about what you are discussing. Before you suggest or telling your opinion you should read those Rules & Guidelines.  How will you suggestion get Accepted.

Where can I find the language boards?
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Where can I see who's currently online on the forum?
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Visit this link (click me). If their action says "Nothing, or nothing you can see..." they're doing something that requires a certain forum rank which you don't have.

Where can I find information about ranks, symbols and every board/sub-board of CIT's forum?
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this link (click me) is the topic that'll help you.

Where can I find information about donating and what do I get if I donate?
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You can donate for different things:
1. VIP. This kind of donation will give you VIP hours in-game. The more you donate the more special perks you'll get! More information can be found in the official VIP donation topic: Click on me!

2. Custom Skin Shaders & Custom Vehicle Shaders. This kind of donation will change the way you look in-game, and everyone will see it and not just you. More information can be found in the News and Updates board.

All these donations are only available using real money and Paypal. You cannot donate for these things using in-game money.

Where can I find in-game information on the forum? Information such as where the players of a certain group currently is, a live map and other statistics?
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Where can I retrieve my ATM pin code / Account Password / I got hacked?!
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Visit this link. Remember to read the sticky topics. If you were hacked, don't panic. The admins are here to help you.

Where can I find the CIT updates changelog?
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Where can I find the CIT Staff (admins), the CIT Honorables and a changelog to all these?
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You can find the CIT Staff (admins) roster & changelog here: CIT Staff roster Link (click me).
You can find the CIT Honorables roster and a changelog here: CIT Honorables Roster + Changelog link (click me).

Where can I find everything related to group features?
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Where do I find information about game mods, and how to install one?
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General information about mods: Click me.
Different mods to download: Click me.
How to install mods: Click me.

Where can I find different community group boards and how do I know which ones that are official?
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You can find the group boards by clicking on me. The boards that have an L6+ tag on them are official group boards.

Where can I request to update the in-game F1 window?
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You can do so by clicking on me. Make sure to use the correct format.

How can I request a radio to get added to the CITPhone?
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Visit this link.

How can I put a signature to my forum profile?
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My Profile ---> Forum Profile --> The large white field, looks like this (click on me).

There's a 500 character limit that applies. If you want to add a picture, it needs to be 400x80 pixels.

Why can't I mention other members on the forum?
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You must have a forum rank to be able to mention other members, as of: JCM-RCM-SCM-CB-PC-SO-CEM-Guider-Staff-DL1/2/3

In order to mention a user, you should use "@" then write the name of the user that you want to mention WITHOUT SPACE between them for example: @Name

How to apply/donate for a personal/group/squad skin ?
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Visit this link.

I got a forum ban for using proxy:
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How can I change my forum language?
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Profile > Account Settings > Preferred Language > Choose the language you want.

How can I change my in-game language?
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1-> Settings
2-> Interface
3-> Language
4-> General
5-> Language, and pick one.

How can I change my forum theme?
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Profile > Modify Profile > Look and Layout then change the current theme to the theme you wish to use.

How do I get the Honorable rank?
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-Honorable Rank given to Community Members who contributed to CIT and their work made CIT enjoyable.

I got warned on forum, what should I do?
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Your warn gets lowered by 1% every day. Or you can appeal your forum warn here:
You will be able to post again when your warning level goes below 70, if your warning level is 70-100% you won't be able to post anything on forums.

Where can I ask about MTA related questions and issues?
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How can I get a custom title on forum?
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Forum Custom Title is only given to honorable or Staff members who have done something great for the server, leaders and founders of Official Group do also get Custom Title like 'GroupName Founder' 'GroupName Overseer' 'GroupName Leader'.

IRC Related Questions & Answers

How can I use the IRC?
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Read this topic to know how to get on the IRC network:
Read this topic to know the IRC commands in detail:
Here's a video tutorial on how to connect to CIT's IRC using HexChat:
Go here to use the Web IRC:

I got banned on a channel because I didn't identify myself, what should I do now?
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You can either ask a moderator from that channel to unban you or you can use /cs unban #<channelName>.
Note: You need to be at least a Half-Operator (hop, +h) in that channel to use the unban command.

How can I get the voice status (vop, +v) in #echo?
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You can't no longer. More information can be found in this topic (click me).

How do I get access to any #channel?
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You should ask anyone from the leaders of this channel to give you access.

Discord Related Questions & Answers

How do I enter CIT's Discord Server?
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Use this invitation link:

How to sync your discord server with group chat?
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How to sync your discord server with squad chat?
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If you want to add something to the FAQ, reply to this topic and use the format below:
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You can request to update an outdated answer, reply to this topic and use the format below:
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If your post has been deleted then it means it has been either added by an admin or it won't be added as it is not that important to be added here.
« Last Edit: 11 08, 2023, 10:38:48 pm by Counter »

Offline Chin

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Re: Frequently Asked Questions [BROWSE BEFORE POSTING]
« Reply #1 on: 01 07, 2019, 12:34:46 am »
Updated requests will be saved in this spoiler to keep the topic clean.
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Section (In-game/Forum/IRC): In-Game
Question Title: Download Speed Low and Getting Timed Out ?
Answer: Download the required files locally through Google Drive : Link Updated as of 30.06.19
Added, Chin.
Section (In-game/Forum/IRC): Ingame
Question Title: How can I fix FPS problem from CIT settings (/settings)
Change these stuffs
Radar Image - Change it to = map.png
Classic group,squad,alliance Blip - Yes
Minimap zoom out when fast - No
Minimap Update frequency - 1
Enable Speed Blur - No
Enable Cloud - No
Enable Heat Haze - No
Enable rain - No
Set far clip Distance - 50
Enable random Foliage - No
Enable server gun mods - No
Wash Cars - No
Blue sky or Real night - Default
Weapon Laser - Disabled
Custom Player Skin - Disabled
Custom Vehicle Skin - Disabled
Custom Clothing - Disabled
Player Hats - Disabled
Graffiti - Disabled
Enable Neon upgrades on vehicles - No
Good textures - 101
Water Shader - No
Water Shader #1 - No
Water Shader #2 - No
Bloom Shader - No
Car Reflection Shader - 101
Road Shine shader - No
Detail Shader - 101
Alternate sky shader - No
Contrast shader - No
Enable new hud - No
Note -This can also be added to here -
Added, RiDz
Section (In-game/Forum/IRC): New section: Discord.
Question Title: How do I enter CIT's Discord Server?
Answer: Use this invitation link:
Added the Discord section, as well as the question, Chin.
Section (In-game/Forum/IRC): Discord
Question Title: How to sync your discord server with group chat
Added, SalaR.
Section (In-game/Forum/IRC): Discord
Question Title: How to sync your squad chat and staff squad chat to your discord server
Added, SalaR.
Section (In-game/Forum/IRC): In-game
Question Title: How can I see my punishlog?
Current answer:
Show content
Only Staff can see your punish log.
- As many players get anxiety about being punished (groups are too strict) removed '/punishlog' and 'Admin Log'. (Arran)

New answer:
Show content
- Re-enabled '/punishlog' access to players. (Arran + Pavard)
Updated, SalaR.
Section (In-game/Forum/IRC): Forum
Question Title: Where can I apply for Country Supporter rank?
Current answer: You can apply for it in this board: this board (Create a new topic named "Your name - Country Supporter application")
New answer: As country supporter change so it gets removed and add

Where can I apply for Guider rank?

you can apply for it in this board: this board (Create a new topic named "Your name - Guider application")
Updated, FalconHawk.
Section (In-game/Forum/IRC): Forum
Question Title: Where can I apply for Country Supporter rank?
Current answer: You can apply for it in this board: this board (Create a new topic named "Your name - Country Supporter application")
New answer: As country supporter change so it gets removed and add

Where can I apply for Guider rank?

you can apply for it in this board: this board (Create a new topic named "Your name - Guider application")
Updated, FalconHawk.
Section (In-game/Forum/IRC): Forum
Question Title: Where can I apply for a Community Rank?
Current answer: You can apply for it now in this topic
New answer: You can apply for it now in this topic https:

Section (In-game/Forum/IRC): Forum
Question Title: How can I suggest something to be added or changed, and where do I vote on these as well?
Current answer: Development where you can suggest whatever you want by making a special Topic, and any Staff will check if it's addable or not to be added to the server. If it's not addable, the staffs will move your topic and you will find it in Topics for Deletion board. The staff who has moved the topic will probably provide a reason why your suggestion has been denied. You can also vote up and down on someone's suggestion in the Suggestions board. Read the sticky topic (click me!) before making a suggestion and follow the instructions in order to avoid getting warned.
Only JCM+ can post and suggest new suggestions in Development board.
New answer: Discussion Board where you can suggest new ideas and all community can say there opinion about what you are discussing. Before you suggest or telling your opinion you should read those Rules & Guidelines.  How will you suggestion get Accepted.

Section (In-game/Forum/IRC): Forum
Question Title: Why can't I mention other members on the forum?
Current answer: You must have a forum rank to be able to mention other members, as of:JCM-RCM-SCM-CB-PC-SO-CEM-Supporter-CS-Staff-DL1/2/3
In order to mention a user you should use "@" then write the name of the user that you want to mention WITHOUT SPACE between them for exemple : @Name
New answer: You must have a forum rank to be able to mention other members, as of:JCM-RCM-SCM-CB-PC-SO-CEM-Guider-Staff-DL1/2/3

In order to mention a user you should use "@" then write the name of the user that you want to mention WITHOUT SPACE between them for exemple : @Name
Updated, BlackHeart.
Section (In-game/Forum/IRC): Forum Related Questions & Answers
Question Title: Where can I apply to become a staff?
Current answer: Staff Applications: Click me!
Note: You need to be at least a Regular Community Member to view the staff applications.

New answer: Visit this link for more information.
Note: You need to be at least a Regular Community Member to apply.

Section (In-game/Forum/IRC): Forum Related Questions & Answers
Question Title: How can I request a radio to get added to the CITPhone?
Current answer: Visit this link for more information.
New answer: Visit this link.
Updated, BlackHeart.
Section (In-game/Forum/IRC):  Ingame
Question Title:How can I get drugs and what do they do?
Current answer:  All the information about CIT drugs can be found in this topic (click me).
New answer: Change the link into this
Updated, Counter
Please remove these FAQ (Because it is outdated)

1. How to stop HTTP server file mismatch error I get everytime?
2. How to fix the "Error [CC33] Bad server reponse (1)"?
Updated, Counter
This also outdated
3. How can I remove the camera?
Take Police Traffic Officer job then press X > Click yourself > Quit job.

There is /dropweapon for that
Updated, Counter
« Last Edit: 11 08, 2023, 10:28:14 pm by Counter »

Offline Miriam

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Re: Frequently Asked Questions [BROWSE BEFORE POSTING]
« Reply #2 on: 17 09, 2023, 04:22:21 am »

Can I sell my squad for in-game currency?

Can I sell rank in my squad?

Offline Skyscrap

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Re: Frequently Asked Questions [BROWSE BEFORE POSTING]
« Reply #3 on: 17 09, 2023, 01:28:04 pm »

Can I sell my squad for in-game currency?

Can I sell rank in my squad?

I believe a L4 already answered your questions yesterday in Contact Admin chat, but let me answer you once again. You are not allowed to sell your squad for in-game currency as it's considered as a punishable act.
Skyscrap added as PAM. (20.01.2022 Ptole + Burner + Brian + Danzy)
Added Skyscrap as Junior Criminal boss (06.05.2023 CB Team)
Skyscrap added as Trial Staff. (14.08.2023 Head Staff)
Discord: skyscrap.

Offline zlOscar

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Re: Frequently Asked Questions [BROWSE BEFORE POSTING]
« Reply #4 on: 31 12, 2023, 05:13:47 pm »
Hi guys if you can help me with this would be great, I can't remember my account password in the game but it won't even let me change it or recover it, does anyone know what I should do?

Offline SqueX

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Re: Frequently Asked Questions [BROWSE BEFORE POSTING]
« Reply #5 on: 31 12, 2023, 05:30:34 pm »
Hi guys if you can help me with this would be great, I can't remember my account password in the game but it won't even let me change it or recover it, does anyone know what I should do?
Go to Account Retrieval board and make an account recovery request.

Make sure you read the [MUST READ] Format & Rules topic before making a request.
If CIT had been created before MTA, MTA would have been a server of CIT.

Offline Clark

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Re: Frequently Asked Questions [BROWSE BEFORE POSTING]
« Reply #6 on: 04 03, 2024, 09:27:29 pm »
Hey, I think this is the proper place to ask a question instead of making a new topic. I am fairly new here and I do stream sometimes other games that I play. So I was wondering, would it be ok for me to stream CIT? I just want to make sure I will not be breaking any rules of the server so I can freely stream.

Offline Dottie

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Re: Frequently Asked Questions [BROWSE BEFORE POSTING]
« Reply #7 on: 04 03, 2024, 10:09:19 pm »
Hey, I think this is the proper place to ask a question instead of making a new topic. I am fairly new here and I do stream sometimes other games that I play. So I was wondering, would it be ok for me to stream CIT? I just want to make sure I will not be breaking any rules of the server so I can freely stream.

Yes you can stream, nothing against rules. There're few players already streaming time by time.
''Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.''