Author Topic: /roll 20 & /roll 100  (Read 1149 times)

Offline ZtyX

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/roll 20 & /roll 100
« on: 16 08, 2015, 10:53:37 pm »
Roll a dice and get a random number in local chat

New commands:

/roll 100
- This gives a random number from 1-100
- Good for lotteries.

/roll 20
- This gives a random number from 1-20
- Good for roleplaying.

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What is the suggestion going about?: 2 new commands for generating random numbers in local chat.
Description: /roll 20, this generates a number between 1-20. /roll 100, this generates a number between 1-100. The numbers are generated and pasted in the local chat.
What would this suggestion improve: Mainly for use in roleplaying where some element of chance is neccesary. It can also be used for selecting winners in private lotteries with friends. Random numbers can also be useful for other things.
Why does this needs to be added?: It takes time for a roleplay game master to alt-tab and use a website to generate a number or to use a dice in real life. The participants in the roleplay cannot see the result. Participants in the lottery also cannot see if the result was fixed or true.
Can you provide us any examples?: A group of roleplayers decide they want to rob a pizza shop, so you used the /roll 20 to determine how successful it was. A group of people are guessing a number between 1-100 and the one who gets closest wins 100K.
« Last Edit: 18 08, 2015, 12:52:46 am by Domm »

Offline Arran

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Re: /roll 20 & /roll 100
« Reply #1 on: 18 08, 2015, 02:12:45 pm »
Added. Say 'rolldice x' (x being 2 to 1000000) in local chat to get a random number.
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