Author Topic: IRC Commands in Detail  (Read 19360 times)

Offline Aayush

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IRC Commands in Detail
« on: 15 03, 2015, 03:31:10 pm »
NOTE: I have posted this guide some years ago too but unfortunately that doesn't exist anymore, so I just reposted my guide back so that it could benefit some more players too!  (◔◡◔)

Hello Fellow readers, After Dave made the Tutorial on "How to get on the IRC network", people now know how to get on the CIT IRC Network, but most of them do not know about IRC Commands. So I'm making this guide.

Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a popular form of real-time Internet text messaging (chat) or synchronous conferencing. It is mainly designed for group communication in discussion forums, called channels, but also allows one-to-one communication via private message as well as chat and data transfer (including file sharing).

So that is basically the definition of what is IRC. I've seen a lot of people asking how to join the IRC client.

First of all, you need an IRC client, I personally use the mIRC client, and I recommend it. I will explain this tutorial like if you were using the mIRC client. So, well, after you have downloaded it, a small window will appear, asking for your name, and your alternative name. Fill those lines, and then look to the left, where you can choose between Servers, options, Identd, etc. Choose "servers" and follow the following steps.

1.- Click on the "Add" button
2.- Proceed to fill the lines
     - Description: Can be any description, just type GTASA
     - IRC Server: This is where you are going to type the irc server to connect to CIT. Type ""
     - Ports: Just let it that way (6667)
      - Group: Can be any name, just type "CIT"
     - Password: Our IRC server has no password, so just leave it blank
3.- Click on "Add"
4.- Now take a look at the "IRC Servers" list and search for the folder that should be named "GTASA", open it and choose where it says "CIT"
5.- Click on "CIT" and proceed to click on the "Select" button, which you can find to the right.
6.- Proceed to click on the "Connect" button.

If you did these steps, a small window should appear saying

* Connecting to (6667)
- *** Looking up your hostname...
- *** Couldn't resolve your hostname; using your IP address instead

If you have followed the above steps in the quote correctly, you are now connected to CIT IRC network.
Now let's get acquainted with some basic IRC commands.

Basic Commands of NickServ
Registering your Nick
1. Type /ns register <password> <email> to register your nick. You will get a message/notice from NickServ,
-NickServ- Nickname Aayush|PC registered under your account: *Aayush@*.848H2...IP
Now your nick is registered.

Identifying your nick

Type /ns identify <password> to authenticate yourself with NickServ. This gives you the access to many commands.

Setting a nick option

Now I will tell you how to personalize your nick or set various options.

1. Setting another password

If you feel insecure with your current password then you can change it with this command, but these commands need that you are already identified to the services.

Type /ns set password <newpassword>

If you successfully did it it will show
-NickServ- Password changed.

2. Setting another language

Many of you do not know that the CIT IRC network supports the following languages which can be used to interact with the services.  List of languages supported:
1. English
2. Français (French)
3. Deutsch (German)
4. Italiano (Italian)
5. Português (Portuguese)
6. Español (Spanish)
7. Türkçe (Turkish)
8. Catala (Catalan)
9. ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
10. Nederlands (Dutch)
11. Ðóññêèé (Russian)
12. Magyar (Hungarian)
13. Polski (Polish)

To change your interaction language with services,

Type /ns set language <number>
like for French do /ns set language 2

3. Associating a URL with your nick

You can associate a URL with your nickname information.

Type /ns set url <urllinkhere>

4. Associating a Email address with your nick

You can associate an email address with your nickname information.

Type /ns set email <emailaddress>

5. Associating a ICQ number with your nick

You can associate your ICQ number with your nickname information.

Type /ns set ICQ <ICQnumber>

6. Associating a GREET message with your nick

You must have seen some people on a private or at an unofficial channel that the bot greet's him with a message.

Type /ns set greet <greetmessagehere>

7. Setting a nickname private

This command will prevent a nickname from being listed in nickserv's list command. Basically, it will hide your nick from the public list command.

Type /ns set private on/off 

Till here, you are acquainted with some basic nickserv commands.

Now let's get acquainted with some basic chanserv commands.

Basic Commands of Chanserv

This is the services bot which deals with channel commands and everything related to a channel.

Registering a channel

As some of you may already know that we "create" a channel by /join #<channel>
Creating a channel and registering a channel are different. In simple language, creating means that you are not the "owner" of that channel. So anyone can take the channel from you and registering means that you are the "founder" of that channel and none can take it from you unless you give them your nickname's password or if that nick is in your "Group".

Type /cs register #<channel name> <channel's password> <description of the channel>

Adding nickname to a channel's access list

There are two types of adding a nickname to a channel. One is via /cs vop/hop/aop/sop #<channel> add <nick> and another is via /cs access #<channel> add <nick> <level> . 

If you DON'T want multiple owners of a channel then use the default one, xOP is enabled by default.

/cs vop #<channel> add <nick> to add a nick to the auto voice list of the channel.
/cs hop #<channel> add <nick> to add a nick to auto halfop list of the channel.
/cs aop #<channel> add <nick> to add a nick to auto op list of the channel.
/cs sop #<channel> add <nick> to add a nick to super operator list of the channel.

If you WANT multiple owners of a channel.

Type /cs set #<channel> xop off

This will enable the /cs access command.


/cs access #<channel> add <nick> 3 to add a nick to the auto voice list of the channel.
/cs access #<channel> add <nick> 5 to add a nick to the auto halfop list of the channel.
/cs access #<channel> add <nick> 10 to add a nick to the auto super op list of the channel.
/cs access #<channel> add <nick> 9999 to add a nick to the "owner" list of the channel

You can enter any number between 1 to 10000. You can check the commands available to a nick via command /cs levels #<channel> list. 
There are some more commands related to this section but I am not telling it as it is not needed much.

Added a nickname to a channel's akick list

If you don't want a person on your channel then you can add his nick to a kick list.
REMEMBER: It is like being permanently banned from a channel.

Type /cs akick #<channel> add <nick> [reason is optional]

The reason by default is "User has been banned from the channel"

Banning a nick

All of you know what does "Ban" means.

Type /cs ban #<channel> <nick> <reason>

You can ban a user manually also.


Type /ban <nick> while the channel window is opened.


Type /ban <nick> while the channel window is opened.
Type /mode #<channel> +b <nick> to ban only the nick and not the nickname.

Giving access to a nick

These commands will NOT add the nick to auto lists.

Voice:  Type /cs voice #<channel> <nick>

Devoice: Type /cs devoice #<channel> <nick>

Halfop: Type /cs halfop #<channel> <nick>

Dehalfop: Type /cs dehalfop #<channel> <nick>

Op: Type /cs op #<channel> <nick>

Deop: Type /cs deop #<channel> <nick>

Super op: Type /cs protect #<channel> <nick>

De super op: Type /cs deprotect #<channel> <nick>

Deleting a channel

If you want to delete a channel you can use this command.

Type /cs drop #<channel>

Topic of a channel

You might have noticed that when you set a channel's topic, the ChanServ or the Bot "Banana" changes it back to the previous one. So here is the list of commands to use for changing the topic.

1. Disabling the topic lock

You need to disable the "topiclock" option of a channel to change its topic if it is registered.

Type /cs set #<channel> topiclock off

Now All the operators and above can change the channel's topic.

2. Setting the topic

In the default case:

Type /cs topic #<channel> <topic text>

Information about a channel

To get information about a channel.

Type /cs info #<channel>

Till here, you are acquainted with NickServ and ChanServ BASIC commands.

Now I will give you some BotServ commands, the MOST WANTED Services at IRC.

Basic Commands of BotServ

Checking number of bots

You need to know the names of bots that exist.

Type /bs botlist

Assigning a bot

In order to assign a bot to your channel, you need to register the channel first. The bot cannot be assigned to an unregistered channel.

Type /bs assign #<channel> <name of the bot>

Unassigning a bot

If your channel already has a bot and you don't want it you can unassign it.

Type /bs unassign #<channel>

Setting bot's option

These commands let you change a bot's setting for a channel.

1. Enabling fantasy commands

Q: What are fantasy commands?
A: You must have seen people using !seen <nick> , !kb <nick> ,  !voice <nick> ,!devoice <nick> , !op , !deop , !halfop , !dehalfop , !protect, !deprotect.  The commands which are used in a CHANNEL is termed a "Fantasy commands" . So in order to get that commands working you need to enable them.

Type /bs set #<channel> fantasy on/off

2. Disable the voiced/oped nicks on a channel being kicked by the fantasy command
To disable a bot from NOT kicked voiced nicks at the channel:

This command will not kick a voiced nick by a fantasy command. You Can still kick a nick manually.

Type /bs set #<channel> dontkickvoices on/off

To disable a bot from NOT kicked oped nicks at the channel:

This command will not kick an oped nick by a fantasy command. You Can still kick a nick manually.

Type /bs set #<channel> dontkickops on/off

Enabling GREET

You remember the /ns set greet <message> command? This is like activating/deactivating the greet messages on a channel. if this is enabled the bot will show the greeting message if the nick and if this is disabled on a channel the bot will not show the greet. In order to be greeted by the bot, you need to have sufficient access to that channel.

Type /bs set greet #<channel> on/off

Kicking options

You must have seen Zoey/Banana/Global/etc kicking people for  "Caps", "Bolds", "Colored text", "Flooding", many more...
This can be possible in your channel too!

Type /bs help kick for more help!

- This topic will be updated when needed.
« Last Edit: 26 07, 2021, 05:36:15 pm by iFrank »

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IRC Guide
Ex. HoBoS/xvtt Leader & Honorable member