Author Topic: Language File Beta!  (Read 4389 times)

Offline Arran

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  • Posts: 5635
  • Registered: 20/11/2010
  • Ingame: [CIT]Arran
Language File Beta!
« on: 26 09, 2011, 12:17:30 am »
I've finally finished! Now that was one time consuming task...

For the next 24 hours the language file is in beta, look through it to find:

- Grammar errors
- Spelling errors
- Potential improvements

%s is where something is added to the string like "hello %s" (hello playername)
\n means new line like "hello\nnew line\nand another" so it looks kind of weird
Some messages are like "hello      bob" this is so they go on a new line (but this will actually be a bad idea with translations (note to self: consider removing long spaces)

DO NOT MAKE TRANSLATIONS YET! The language file may change!

Language file here: (433 server side, 541 client side)

english = {
   -- Messages
   [1] = "You will drain health until you leave the LSPD area",
   [2] = "You can not deploy another spike strip at this time",
   [3] = "Vehicle speed: %s Limit: %s",
   [4] = "A murder has been commit (and placed on your radar as a skull)",
   [5] = "You have been assigned to this case",
   [6] = "Search the area to look for clues",
   [7] = "Found a clue!",
   [8] = "Not enough cash",
   [9] = "You have full health",
   [10] = "You are already inside a vehicle!",
   [11] = "That helicopter has barely left the ground yet!",
   [12] = "That helicopter can't take any more weight!",
   [13] = "You don't have enough money for a %s",
   [14] = "You bought a %s! Costs: $%s",
   [15] = "Go up to one of the shooting aisles to start the shooting challenge",
   [16] = "Press F5 to view your current weapon skills",
   [17] = "You need to use the same weapon throughout the challenge!",
   [18] = "You have 100 seconds to kill all the targets!",
   [19] = "Targets Remaining: %s",
   [20] = "Well done you have passed the challenge!",
   [21] = "You had %s targets left when the time ran out",
   [22] = "Drive around the city and look for brown markers where you can pick-up rubbish",
   [23] = "Vehicle does not exist",
   [24] = "Take the goods to the buyer at the location set on your minimap in %s",
   [25] = "Don't forget to take a trailer else you won't be able to deliver any goods!",
   [26] = "You need a trailer if you want to deliver goods",
   [27] = "You have successfully delivered the goods! You will be given a new assignment soon",
   [28] = "You don't have $100",
   [29] = "Go to the red house icon on your map to find the entry point",
   [30] = "You did not enter a message",
   [31] = "You did not select a player",
   [32] = "That friend is offline",
   [33] = "Select a player from the left gridlist to add as friend",
   [34] = "%s is already in your friends list",
   [35] = "Added %s to friends list",
   [36] = "Select a player from the right gridlist to remove friend",
   [37] = "%s removed from friends list",
   [38] = "Select a player from the left gridlist to mute",
   [39] = "Please enter old password",
   [40] = "Please enter new password",
   [41] = "Please confirm new password",
   [42] = "You cannot change to the same password",
   [43] = "Your password must be at least 4 characters",
   [44] = "Passwords did not match",
   [45] = "House radio now playing %s",
   [46] = "You did not select a service",
   [47] = "Marking removed on %s",
   [48] = "%s now marked!",
   [49] = "Please select a player",
   [50] = "Please enter amount",
   [51] = "Please select a player",
   [52] = "Welcome to %s mod shop!",
   [53] = "Insufficent Funds!",
   [54] = "Chainsaw can only be used in Las Venturas",
   [55] = "Police are not permitted to use Uzi or Tec9, use an MP5 instead",
   [56] = "Join the discussion, join the community:",
   [57] = "Hit F1 for extensive server documentation",
   [58] = "Do you want to be a criminal? Use /criminal",
   [59] = "Admins will never ask for your account password",
   [60] = "CIT Staff can be indentified by the [CIT] tag",
   [61] = "You can disable info adverts in CITPhone settings (press B)",
   [62] = "For a list of VIP bonuses do /vip",
   [63] = "Cruising enabled, press C to disable",
   [64] = "Go faster to set cruising speed",
   [65] = "Cruising disabled",
   [66] = "You did not enter a valid number (1-100)",
   [67] = "24/7: You did not select an item",
   [68] = "Be the first to take a picture of the killer",
   [69] = "Be the first to take a picture of the person of interest",
   [70] = "Be the first to take a picture of the vehicle of interest",
   [71] = "You didn't take a picture of anything maybe you need to zoom in",
   [72] = "Amount is invalid",
   [73] = "Enter a number between 1 and 28",
   [74] = "Zone and price range must be selected!",
   [75] = "Hold down Z to open house GUI",
   [76] = "Player does not exist!",
   [77] = "Invite received for %s from %s. Press F6 to view your group invites",
   [78] = "You can only drop 20 or more drugs",
   [79] = "You can't take Mescaline in a vehicle",
   [80] = "You can not take a drug at this time",
   [81] = "You can only make drugs when you're not wanted",
   [82] = "Select a drug",
   [83] = "Hold SHIFT to go fast and hold ALT to go slow",
   [84] = "You can not sell drugs at this time",
   [85] = "Drug Prices Set",
   [86] = "Positive numbers only",
   [87] = "Numbers only",
   [88] = "Not enough money to buy",
   [89] = "The dealer doesn't have enough",
   [90] = "Complete all 4 deliveries for payment",
   [91] = "Select an item from the list to buy",
   [92] = "You have to wait 2 seconds to send another message",
   [93] = "You are now in the LS chat zone",
   [94] = "You are now in the SF chat zone",
   [95] = "You are now in the LV chat zone",
   [96] = "You don't have enough cash",
   [97] = "Verified, have fun",
   [98] = "Wrong code please try again",
   [99] = "You need to select a skin!",
   -- GUI Messages
   [100] = "Pin All",
   [101] = "Unpin All",
   [102] = "Close",
   [103] = "Reload Data",
   [104] = "CIT CnR - Police Computer",
   [105] = "Pin All Filters",
   [106] = "Only Above 1 Star",
   [107] = "Only Above 3 Stars",
   [108] = "Only Above 5 Stars",
   [109] = "Less than 1000",
   [110] = "Less than 2000",
   [111] = "Less than 3000",
   [112] = "Name",
   [113] = "Distance",
   [114] = "City",
   [115] = "Team",
   [116] = "Travel",
   [117] = "Account Retrieval",
   [118] = "Forgotten your username and or password? As long as you entered an email address when creating the account we are able to send an email with your username and password.",
   [119] = "Send Email",
   [120] = "Close",
   [121] = "CIT CnR/MW/RP - Login Screen",
   [122] = "Username:",
   [123] = "Password:",
   [124] = "Remember Username",
   [125] = "Remember Password",
   [126] = "Login",
   [127] = "Create an Account",
   [128] = "Forgot Password?",
   [129] = "View Intro",
   [130] = "News",
   [131] = "Introduction",
   [132] = "Attempting login...",
   [133] = "ERROR:\nNo account name and password have been entered",
   [134] = "Login successful.",
   [135] = "Account registration successful.\nYou may now login with the details you entered.",
   [136] = "CIT CnR/MW/RP 2.0 - Account Registration",
   [137] = "Pick a Username:",
   [138] = "Pick a Password:",
   [139] = "Confirm Password:",
   [140] = "Make sure your password can not be guessed. If somebody 'hacks' your account you should have kept your password secure. Passwords can be changed in the settings application of the CITphone. You can recover your account only if you use a valid email address below.",
   [141] = "Account Retrieval (optional)",
   [142] = "If you forget your username and or password or somebody changes your password we can send the info to the email address you enter below:",
   [143] = "Pick a city to start in (don't worry you can move cities at any time)",
   [144] = "Los Santos (CnR/RP)\nCops and robbers (CnR) and or civilian (RP).",
   [145] = "San Fierro (CnR/RP)\nCops and robbers (CnR) and or civilian (RP).",
   [146] = "Las Venturas (Mafia Wars)\nFight for control of city!",
   [147] = "Create my account",
   [148] = "Enter your email",
   [149] = "Enter a password",
   [150] = "Enter a name",
   [151] = "Passwords don't\nmatch!",
   [152] = "Enter a password",
   [153] = "Passwords match",
   [154] = "Looks like an email address",
   [155] = "Not an email address",
   [156] = "Enter your email",
   [157] = "You can't use\nthat as a password!",
   [158] = "Name taken!",
   [159] = "Name available!",
   [160] = "Ammunation",
   -- Do not change the amount of spaces on these!
   [161] = "Colt .45",
   [162] = "Buy weapon ( $4,000 )",
   [163] = "Buy magazine      ( $85 )",
   [164] = "Desert Eagle",
   [165] = "Buy weapon ( $8,500 )",
   [166] = "Buy magazine      ( $150 )",
   [167] = "Silenced 9mm",
   [168] = "Buy weapon ( $6,000 )",
   [169] = "Buy magazine      ( $85 )",
   [170] = "Shotgun",
   [171] = "Buy weapon ( $12,000 )",
   [172] = "Buy weapon ( $17,000 )",
   [173] = "Buy weapon ( $19,000 )",
   [174] = "Sawn-off\nShotgun",
   [175] = "SPAS-12",
   [176] = "Buy 10 rounds        ( $250 )",
   [177] = "Buy 10 rounds        ( $250 )",
   [178] = "Buy magazine      ( $200 )",
   [179] = "AK-47",
   [180] = "M4",
   [181] = "Buy weapon ( $20,000 )",
   [182] = "Buy weapon ( $25,000 )",
   [183] = "Buy magazine      ( $350 )",
   [184] = "Buy magazine      ( $500 )",
   [185] = "Buy weapon ( $14,000 )",
   [186] = "Buy weapon ( $12,000 )",
   [187] = "Uzi",
   [188] = "Tec-9",
   [189] = "MP5",
   [190] = "Country Rifle",
   [191] = "Sniper Rifle",
   [192] = "Buy weapon ( $20,000 )",
   [193] = "Buy weapon ( $12,000 )",
   [194] = "Buy weapon ( $35,000 )",
   [195] = "Buy magazine      ( $400 )",
   [196] = "Buy magazine      ( $400 )",
   [197] = "Buy magazine      ( $400 )",
   [198] = "Buy 15 rounds        ( $300 )",
   [199] = "Buy 5  rounds        ( $500 )",
   [200] = "Buy grenade       ( $1000 )",
   [201] = "Buy Molotov Cocktail         ( $3000 )",
   [202] = "Buy Satchel Charge          ( $3000 )",
   [203] = "Buy Tear Gas Grenade          ( $1000 )",
   [204] = "CIT Animations",
   [205] = "Animation",
   [206] = "Animate",
   [207] = "Automated Transfer Machine",
   [208] = "Account Balance: $",
   [209] = "Withdrawals",
   [210] = "Withdraw",
   [211] = "CIT Bank",
   [212] = "Account Balance: $",
   [213] = "Withdrawals / Deposits",
   [214] = "Deposit",
   [215] = "Transfer funds to another account",
   [216] = "Account name:",
   [217] = "Your password:",
   [218] = "Amount to transfer:",
   [219] = "Transfer",
   [220] = "Account Balance: $%s",
   [221] = "CIT Business and Employment",
   [222] = "Account Name:",
   [223] = "Occupation:",
   [224] = "End Work",
   [225] = "Quit Job",
   [226] = "Job Hunt?",
   [227] = "Enable job hunt to see job blips on your map and the markers in game.",
   [228] = "I have completed the task",
   [229] = "Leave Message",
   [230] = "Close Window",
   [231] = "Accept Invite To: N/A",
   [232] = "Quit Business",
   [233] = "Mark Task Resolved",
   [234] = "Create a Business:",
   [235] = "Create",
   [236] = "Manage Business",
   [237] = "Employment",
   [238] = "Have Job",
   [239] = "Exit",
   [240] = "Pick the skin you want for this job:",
   [241] = "Skin ID",
   [242] = "OR",
   [243] = "CIT Business",
   [244] = "Quit Job?",
   [245] = "Yes",
   [246] = "No",
   [247] = "CIT Business",
   [248] = "Quit Business?",
   [249] = "CIT Business Management",
   [250] = "Close Window",
   [251] = "Delete Business - Confirm Password:",
   [252] = "Delete",
   [253] = "Player List",
   [254] = "Player List - Search:",
   [255] = "Promote Selected Player",
   [256] = "Demote Selected Player",
   [257] = "Invite Selected Player",
   [258] = "Kick Selected Player",
   [259] = "Assign Task To   Selected Player",
   [260] = "Account Name: %s",
   [261] = "Occupation: %s",
   [262] = "Accept Invite To: %s",
   [263] = "Start Work",
   [264] = "CIT slot machine",
   [265] = "You won!",
   [266] = "Don't forget to collect your winnings!",
   [267] = "Casino Antibot",
   [268] = "Please enter the numbers given to continue.",
   [269] = "Verify",
   [270] = "Code:",
   [271] = "OK",
   [272] = "You won $",
   [273] = "Cash out",
   [274] = "Spin reels for $25",
   [275] = "Quit",
   [276] = "Winnings: $",
   [277] = "Winnings will be automatically transferred",
   [278] = "CIT Chat Interface",
   [279] = "Use /%s message for use in chat box",
   [280] = "Show in Chatbox",
   [281] = "Beep on Message",
   [282] = "Time",
   [283] = "Name and Message",
   [284] = "CJ clothes/tattoos/items",
   [285] = "Categories",
   [286] = "Item",
   [287] = "Price $",
   [288] = "Current clothes",
   [289] = "Buy item",
   [290] = "Save and close",
   [291] = "Click an item to remove it",
   [292] = "CJ skin",
   [293] = "You do not have the CJ skin, you must have the CJ skin to change your clothes. Do you want to change to the CJ skin for $200?",
   [294] = "Buy CJ skin",
   [295] = "Cancel",
   [296] = "Hit of LSD",
   [297] = "Hit of Weed",
   [298] = "Hit of Speed",
   [299] = "Hit of God",
   [300] = "Hit of Steroids",
   [301] = "Hit of Heroin",
   [302] = "Hit of Mescaline",
   [303] = "Don't set your prices too high else nobody will buy from you.",
   [304] = "Done",
   [305] = "Drug Deal",
   [306] = "LSD",
   [307] = "Weed",
   [308] = "Speed",
   [309] = "God",
   [310] = "Steroids",
   [311] = "Heroin",
   [312] = "Mescaline",
   [313] = "- Hallucinogenic",
   [314] = "- Slower time and less gravity",
   [315] = "- Faster time",
   [316] = "- Increased max health",
   [317] = "- Double melee damage",
   [318] = "- Semi Invincibility",
   [319] = "- Camera Mode",
   [320] = "Enter hits to buy",
   [321] = "Buy",
   [322] = "Cost per hit: $%s (Recommended: $%s)",
   [323] = "Pick a drug to make",
   [324] = "LSD (Hallucinogenic)",
   [325] = "Speed (Methamphetamine)",
   [326] = "God (Increased max health)",
   [327] = "Steroids (x2 melee damage)",
   [328] = "Heroin (Semi Invincibility)",
   [329] = "Mescaline (Camera Mode)",
   [330] = "Make!",
   [331] = "Cancel",
   [332] = "Drug Inventory",
   [333] = "Take a Hit of N/A",
   [334] = "Take a Hit of LSD",
   [335] = "Take a Hit of Weed",
   [336] = "Weed (Low Gravity and Speed)",
   [337] = "Take a Hit of Speed",
   [338] = "Take a Hit of God",
   [339] = "Take a Hit of Steroids",
   [340] = "Take a Hit of Heroin",
   [341] = "Take a Hit of Mescaline",
   [342] = "Drop Drugs",
   [343] = "CIT CnR/MW/RP - Group Controls",
   [344] = "Create a Group:",
   [345] = "Group Name:",
   [346] = "Group Invites: 0",
   [347] = "Group Info:",
   [348] = "Group Administration:",
   [349] = "Create Group",
   [350] = "View My Group Members",
   [351] = "View My Group Invites",
   [352] = "Group Leader Admin",
   [353] = "View/Edit My Group Info",
   [354] = "Leave Group",
   [355] = "Invite Player to Group",
   [356] = "View Group List",
   [357] = "Close Window",
   [358] = "CIT CnR/MW - My Group Members",
   [359] = "Toggle Deputy",
   [360] = "Kick Player",
   [361] = "CIT CnR/MW - Group Leader Admin",
   [362] = "Group Deletion: Group Deletion can NOT be undone.",
   [363] = "Confirm Group Name:",
   [364] = "Confirm Your Account Name:",
   [365] = "Confirm Account Password:",
   [366] = "Note: Any group inactive for 14 days will be deleted.",
   [367] = "Tick this to delete",
   [368] = "Delete Group",
   [369] = "CIT CnR/MW - Group Invite",
   [370] = "Invite Player",
   [371] = "Only people not already in a group can be invited to join.",
   [372] = "CIT CnR/MW - Group List",
   [373] = "CIT CnR/MW - Group Invite",
   [374] = "Invite from group",
   [375] = "Name of person who invited you",
   [376] = "Accept Selected Invite",
   [377] = "CIT CnR/MW - group Info",
   [378] = "Save",
   [379] = "Group Name: %s",
   [380] = "Group",
   [381] = "Leader",
   [382] = "Members",
   [383] = "Player",
   [384] = "Online?",
   [385] = "Name",
   [386] = "Account",
   [387] = "Level",
   [388] = "Last Online",
   [389] = "Group Invites: %s",
   [390] = "CIT Housing System",
   [391] = "Buy This House",
   [392] = "Enter This House",
   [393] = "Set Asking Price:",
   [394] = "Toggle House Sale",
   [395] = "Open/Close House",
   [396] = "CIT House Search",
   [397] = "- Housing Filters -",
   [398] = "- Houses Found -",
   [399] = "Owner:",
   [400] = "Interior:",
   [401] = "Price Range",
   [402] = "Less than $100,000",
   [403] = "$100,001 to $200,000",
   [404] = "$200,001 to $400,000",
   [405] = "$400,001 to $800,000",
   [406] = "Above $800,001",
   [407] = "Zone",
   [408] = "Los Santos",
   [409] = "San Fierro",
   [410] = "Las Venturas",
   [411] = "House",
   [412] = "Run Filter",
   [413] = "View House",
   [414] = "Buy This House",
   [415] = "View Interior",
   [416] = "To play music in your house enter it then select a station from citPhone radio app. (press B) then all the people inside your house will hear the radio station you've selected.",
   [417] = "House Pocket - Here you can store items in your house and take them out.",
   [418] = "Enter an amount to modify from your house of the selected item in the grid:",
   [419] = "Note: If you don't logon for 40 days your house may be sold but you won't lose items.",
   [420] = "Take",
   [421] = "Take items from my house",
   [422] = "Add items to my house pocket",
   [423] = "Item",
   [424] = "Amount",
   [425] = "Add",
   [426] = "House name:\n%s\n\nOwner:\n%s\n\nInitial Price:\n$%s\n\nBought For:\n$%s\n\nAsking Price:\n$%s\n\nInterior:\n%s",
   [427] = "Select a vehicle to use",
   [428] = "Vehicle Name",
   [429] = "Use Vehicle",
   [430] = "Cancel",
   [431] = "Cart",
   [432] = " Costs:  $",
   [433] = "Color",
   [434] = "Paintjob",
   [435] = "Buy / Exit",
   [436] = "Part name",
   [437] = "Price",
   [438] = "+ Addition",
   [439] = "-  Subtraction",
   [440] = "* Multiplication",
   [441] = "/  Division",
   [442] = "Example: 10^3",
   [443] = "Example: 10*10+100+50",
   [444] = "Result:",
   [445] = "^ Exponentiation",
   [446] = "All players",
   [447] = "Friends",
   [448] = "Mute",
   [449] = "Add friend",
   [450] = "Remove friend",
   [451] = "San Andreas Weather Forecast",
   [452] = "Player",
   [453] = "Transfer money",
   [454] = "Amount:",
   [455] = "Player",
   [456] = "Toggle blip on selected player",
   [457] = "Mark players",
   [458] = "My houses",
   [459] = "Total houses mapped:",
   [460] = "Mark this house on map",
   [461] = "Enable blur",
   [462] = "Enable clouds",
   [463] = "Enable FPS meter",
   [464] = "Enable heat haze",
   [465] = "Disable info adverts",
   [466] = "Disable main chat",
   [467] = "Disable group blips",
   [468] = "Disable SMS outputs",
   [469] = "Water shader",
   [470] = "Bloom shader",
   [471] = "Car paint shader",
   [472] = "Road shine shader",
   [473] = "Change password",
   [474] = "Change account password:",
   [475] = "Old password:",
   [476] = "New password:",
   [477] = "Confirm password:",
   [478] = "Station",
   [479] = "Click a radio station to play.\nDo you want your favorite station here?\nVisit and request\nnew radio stations!",
   [480] = "Stop",
   [481] = "Vol -",
   [482] = "Vol +",
   [483] = "Select a service then click the button to call.\nAll the players in that team will be informed.",
   [484] = "Services",
   [485] = "Call service",
   [486] = "Snap picture",
   [487] = "Take pic of myself",
   [488] = "yes",
   [489] = "no",
   [490] = "%s | Bought for: %s | Interior: %s | For sale: %s",
   [491] = "Limo driver",
   [492] = "Mechanic",
   [493] = "Paramedic",
   [494] = "Pilot",
   [495] = "Police",
   [496] = "Taxi Driver",
   [497] = "Prostitution",
   [498] = "Let's go!",
   [499] = "Decline",
   [500] = "Blowjob",
   [501] = "Sex",
   [502] = "Spanking",
   [503] = "Hi there handsome, select one of my services:",
   [504] = "Pick a Skin",
   [505] = "Buy ($200)",
   [506] = "Close",
   [507] = "Have",
   [508] = "Skin Name",
   [509] = "Skin ID",
   [510] = "CIT Vehicle Sales",
   [511] = "Buy!",
   [512] = "Choose color",
   [513] = "CIT Vehicles",
   [514] = "Current Vehicle:",
   [515] = "City Name, City Zone (N/A)",
   [516] = "Locate",
   [517] = "Vehicle",
   [518] = "View Me",
   [519] = "Un/Blip",
   [520] = "Un/Lock",
   [521] = "Pick",
   [522] = "Sell",
   [523] = "Hide",
   [524] = "Vehicle",
   [525] = "Price",
   [526] = "CIT Vehicle Sales",
   [527] = "Sorry, but you do not have enough money to buy this vehicle. You need $%s more.",
   [528] = "OK",
   [529] = "CIT Vehicle Sales",
   [530] = "Are you sure you want to sell your %s for the price you bought it for?",
   -- MsgBox messages
   [531] = "You need $200 to buy the skin.",
   -- Attached help messages
   [532] = "Staff don't get hurt",
   [533] = "You can not harm arrested players",
   [534] = "Heli killing is disabled",
   [535] = "Park killing is disabled",
   [536] = "Stop attacking unwanted players",
   -- Static help messages
   [537] = "To be a criminal type /criminal",
   [538] = "To be a cop go to LSPD",
   [539] = "There are civlian jobs around the city",
   [540] = "To be a cop go to SFPD",
   [541] = "Join a gang to play Mafia Wars press F6",
-- F1 tabs
[542] = [[
For further information hit F1 while playing.

CIT2 CnR/MW/RP is a server with multiple 'game modes' running along side each
other. You are free to go around all of San Andreas and change what gamemode
you're playing by going to another city at any time.

CnR - Cops and Robbers
Los Santos is the home of the CnR gamemode. Law enforcement fight crime all
over the city with gun battles and police chases. Pick this gamemode if you
like playing as police or criminal and ready for constant action. This is the
most popular and most enjoyable gamemode.

MW - Mafia Wars
Las Venturas is the home of the MW gamemode. War between various gangs for
control of the city are constant thing. Pick this gamemode if you like team
deathmatching and constant violence.

Note: Mafia Wars is not a very well developed gamemode so to play mafia wars
you must move to Las Venturas from another city.

RP - Role Play
This is not a proper RP server we only have basic things for people who to "RP"
like civilian jobs and a basic business system, then again "proper RP" doesn't
require scripting, you make it up!

[543] = [[
1. Do not deathmatch. - What is deathmatching? Deathmatching is defined as killing or harming without good reason.

2. Listen to server staff. - Server staff can be indentified by a [CIT] tag and are here to help you and others.

3. Speak English in mainchat. - Press J and use the different chat rooms for talking other languages.

4. Do not cheat or exploit bugs. - Cheating is defined as an unfair advantage. Ruin other peoples fun, and we'll ruin yours.

5. Do not purposefully evade ingame situations. - Most notably logging out or disconnecting from the server.

6. Report disruptive players and do not spam the chatbox. - Use J --> Help to contact an admin. Admins can be identified through a [CIT] infront of their name.

7. Do not request an unfair advantage from a member of staff. - Server staff will never give you something.

8. Play nice, don't flame, and don't troll - Things can be much more enjoyable for everybody then. Trolling will not be tollerated.

9. Do not ask for special privileges, most notably staff rights. Asking for admin won't work.

10. Do not speak about other servers/other GTA multiplayer mods or anything else to provoke people.

11. You must bring arrested players to the jail and may not drive them around.

12. Do not camp at LSPD or hospitals.

13. Do not spawnkill or spawn arrest players.

14. Heli-killing and park-killing is not allowed, they're disabled.

15. Police may not stay near or be inside the bank if the bank robbery is soon to begin.

16. Selling accounts or selling arrests to other players is not allowed.

17. You are not permitted to be mentally handicapped or have no understanding of English.

18. Do not ram/honk at/punch/stand near anybody in the staff team.

[544] = [[
   Welcome to CIT CNR/MW/RP!
   Across all three gamemodes your statistics and posessions will remain the same
   and you can change between gamemode at any time by simply going to another city,
   try the train station.
   Our aim is to provide as much fun and enjoyment for all of our players as
   possible, yes i'm talking to you! If you're not enjoying your time on the
   server you tell us why because we do care. But remember, adding new features
   takes time and if you really want something learn to script, make it and if
   its good we can add it.
   If you are unsatisfied with anything, you can get your voice across on our
   forum at or if you need to speak directly
   with the community leader for example with staff misconduct (which will be
   taken extremely seriously) then send an email to [email protected]
   Important keys:
   B - Open/close the citPhone
   J - Chat interface system
   F1 - Documentation
   F2 - Vehicle Manager
   F3 - Job Manager
   F4 - Drug Panel
   F5 - Weapon Stats
   F5 - Police Panel
   F6 - Group Panel
   F7 - Animations
   Jump - Grab on to a helicopter
   Backspace - Let go of a helicopter
   /sell - Allows criminals to sell drugs
   /gc message - Group chat
   /peak - View server player peak
   /release playername - To release somebody you have under arrest
   /charges - View the list of charges against you
   /allcrimes - View your criminal record
   /criminal - Go criminal
   /e or /law - Chat for all emergency and law teams
   /barrier1 to /barrier4 and /removeallbarriers - SWAT Team and Armed Forces only
   /headlights red green blue (where red green blue are between 0 and 255)
   /cc message - Speak to players in the same vehicle only
   /follow playerName [reason] - Ask playerName to follow you
   /smsmute [name] - Prevent a player from sending you SMS's
   /changegroupleader [myPassword] [newLeader] - Give group to another member
   /kill - If you're stuck you can use that to die
   /dropwep [amount] - Drop some ammo/weapon for the weapon you have out
   /turfcolor [R G B] - Set the RGB color of your gangs turfs
   /eject [playername] or * to remove somebody from your car
   /lock - Toggle locking on a nearby owned or job vehicle
   /od [0-5] - Open vehicle doors, bonnet and truck
   /cd [0-5] - Close vehicle doors, bonnet and truck
   Website and Forum:

[545] = [[
   Law enforcement jobs:
   Police Officer
   You will be entered into the ranks as a recruit and later be able to move onto
   the specialist roles in the police. You will have the power to arrest wanted
   players by beating them with the nightstick or by car jacking them to bring
   them under control, this process will make you money. Good performance will
   result in promotions and the ability to enter special roles such as the traffic
   division, SWAT, etc.
   Police Detective
   The Police Detective can investigate murders and find the killer by looking
   for clues in the crime scene. They also have the same powers as a regular
   police officer meaning they can perform arrests and use firearms.
   SWAT Officer
   The SWAT team is ran and controlled by the SWAT leader and is invitiation only.
   Armed Forces
   The armed forces is split into a navy, airforce, and special forces.
   They are invitation only.
   DOJ - Department of Justice
   The DOJ is ran and controlled by the DOJ director and is invitiation only.
   Criminal jobs:
   Bank Robbery
   Every now and then a bank robbery can take place, you will need to rob the bank
   with other people. Then defend it from the police while collecting clues to open
   the safe. Then run far away to get the cash.
   Hijacking, robbery, and street racing are all now combined into one job. To
   access this job use /criminal
   The criminals are given a car to steal. But it isn't as easy as that, you need
   to beat all other hijackers too it, and anybody else who may be driving it.
   Deliver it to the buyers location for a nice sum of money.

   To begin robbing a house, you'll need a vehicle. Once you have that drive to
   the house marked on your minimap and big map (press F11) once there park up
   and find the point of entry. What you find in the house to steal will vary in
   value, from nothing to a nice sum of money.
   Criminals are able to participate in many different races around San Andreas.
   A race will pop up and racers will have 5 minutes to get there. Any racer in
   the start marker will then be able to race through the checkpoints, the first
   to the finish line wins the money which varies depending on amount of racers.

[546] = [[
   MW - Mafia Wars
   Las Venturas is the home of the MW gamemode. War between various gangs for
   control of the city are constant thing. Pick this gamemode if you like team
   deathmatching and constant violence.

   Note: Mafia Wars is not a very well developed gamemode so to play mafia wars
   you must move to Las Venturas from another city. We don't even have any info
   on MW!

[547] = [[
   Civilian Jobs:
   Paramedics are trained in giving emergency medical treatment. Paramedics can
   heal people through the use of their healing spray or healing passengers in
   their ambulance. Money is earned through healing people.
   A Mechanic can make money by performing repairs on any player owned vehicle.
   They can fully repair a vehicle because people kept moaning they can't fix
   doors. To repair a vehicle just stand still next to the vehicle and tap your
   aim while you have no weapon out, to start the repairs.
   Delivery Man
   1. Get a delivery vehicle. 2. Enter the marker at the delivery base. 3.
   Deliver the 5 Packages. 4. Return to base for more work.
   You can get work by entering a potential clients vehicle. They will then
   be given the opportunity to have sex with you for a fee. The client
   benefits from increased health through this.
   Taxi Driver
   The taxi driver is a simple job. Get a taxi, find a customer, and take
   them where they want to go. This simple process makes you money,
   perhaps to progress onto something greater.
   Limo Driver
   The limo driver is a simple job. Get a limo, find a customer, and take them
   where they want to go. This simple process makes you money, it costs more
   to be passenger of a limo than taxi.
   Waste Collector
   The Waste Collector makes a living through collecting garbage and dropping
   it off back at base. There are around 100 locations in the city where you
   can stop to pick up garbage. You can empty the garbage truck any time and
   you will receive a pay check based on the amount of garbage collected.
   The Pilot can fly people around San Andreas for a fee. Like a taxi driver
   but in a helicopter and it costs more.
   Go into one of the yellow markers and get a truck. Drive to the location
   placed on your map. Enter the marker to receive payment.
   News Reporter
   A news reporter makes money by being the first to photograph something.
   When somebody dies, if you're the first to photograph the killer you'll be
   paid. Also you can make money from photographing certain people who come up
   as blip like rich people, or a certain vehicle may be involved in a story
   which needs photographing.
   Street Cleaner
   Get a Sweeper and clean the streets of San Andreas. The trash is marked on
   your minimap as green blips and a marker, cleaning up trash will make money.
   You'll need a reefer to do this job. You need to go the lighthouse in LS
   and then start fishing, once you have cought enough fish bring them back
   for payment.

   Every 3 months a presidential election will take place. The winner of the
   election will then become president until the next election. The president
   has various decision making powers which are mainly related to the police,
   government, and armed forces.
   As well as the President there is a Vice President and various other roles
   which lack dedicated players.

[548] = [[
Q: How to play music in my house?
A: When inside your house select a song by pressing B then selecting radio, all players in your house will hear what you pick.

Q: How to become a cop?
A: To become a cop you need to go to LSPD or SFPD and read the info. If you do not take the job seriously a police chief will sack you.

Q: What kind of server is this?
A: Cops and Robbers with a bit of Roleplay and Mafia Wars in Las Venturas. This server is very popular and has made MTA history with such high player counts.

Q: What does CIT mean?
A: CIT is short for Community of Integrity and Transparency. We are nice people who like to be open about things, hence the name.

Q: Where to get the mechanic job, and how to repair a vehicle.
A: You could take the mechanic job at Temple (the Pay'n'spray object), and to repair a car you need to get close to it and press right-click multiple times.

Q: Where to become a paramedic, and how to heal people.
A: Get the paramedic job at a hospital, heal people by spraying on them with the spray can. You can heal only people that are hurted.

Q: How to arrest someone when I am a law officer?
A: First he needs to be wanted, then you have to hit him with the nightstick till you got him. Make sure you bring him to the nearest police station.

Q: How to buy a car or a bike?
A: There are car blips on the map, go there and enter a red marker and the menu appears.

Q: How to buy a plane or a boat?
A: Plane shops are in airport, marked with plane blips. Boat shops are in seas, marked with ship blips.

Q: How to see my police stats?
A: Type in mainchat /mypolicestats or just press F5 while you are a police officer.

Q: How to kill myself?
A: If you need to die for example if you're stuck use /kill

Q: How can I become a Armed Forces/SWAT/FBI member?
A: Apply for it on the forum.

Q: How do I get rid of stars?
A: Bribe a cop, stay away from cops or get jailed.

Q: How do I send private messages to another player?
A: Use B and then click "SMS"

Q: How do I consume drugs?
A: Use F4 and select the drug you want, then press "Take a hit"

Q: How do I make drugs?
A: To make weed, you have to buy a combine harvester and harvest the weed at the drug farm which is marked by a plant blip. To make the other drugs, you have to go to the pill blip in north-east LS. There you find a drug factory.

Q: How to un/lock my vehicle?
A: You can lock and unlock your vehicle with /lock

Q: How do I join a gang?
A: For the most gangs you have to apply on the forum or contact them ingame.

Q: How to see if someone is wanted?
A: Look between the [] after someones name. (E.g.: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]) [0 ] means that they are unwanted, so dont hit them.

Q: How can I identify Staff Members?
A: Staff Members have a "[CIT]" at the start of their name.

Q: How to contact the staff members when I need help?
A: Use J and then write what you need in "Support"

Q: How can I become a Staff Member?
A: Staff Members get elected by the Headstaff. Asking them to make you a Staff Member will not make your chances better...

Q: Where to get the mechanic job, and how to repair a vehicle?
A: You could take the mechanic job at Temple (the Pay'n'spray object), and to repair a car you need to get close to it and press right-click multiple times.

Q: Where to become a paramedic, and how to heal people?
A: Get the paramedic job at any hospital, heal people by spraying on them with the spray can.

Q: How to arrest someone when I am a law officer?
A: First he needs to be wanted, then you have to hit him with the nightstick till you got him. Make sure you bring him to the nearest police station.

Q: How to buy a car or a bike?
A: There are car blips on the map, go there and enter a red marker and the menu appears.

Q: How to buy a plane or a boat?
A: Plane shops are in airport, marked with plane blips. Boat shops are in seas, marked with ship blips.

Q: How to see my police stats?
A: Type in mainchat /mypolicestats or just press F5 while you are a police officer.

Q: How do I change the color of my headlights?
A: Type /headlights 0-255 0-255 0-255 (0-255 means a number between 0 and 255)

Q: Do the server have a website, if yes, what is it?
A: Our main site is - if you wanna go on our forum.

Q: What is Cops and Robbers?
A: The name actually says it, but the Cops and Robbers is where there are a lot of criminal activities can take place and then the police are suppost to try and stop the criminals for example in a bankrob the police must kill all the robbers that are in the bank.

Q: What is deathmatching?
A: You may only deatmatch in Las Venturas. Deathmatching is were you can kill whoever you want, if you see them, kill them. A fight between everyone, dont care about who you are killing, just kill them.

Q: How do I open the police panel?
A: Press F5 while you're in the Police Service or other law enforcement team.

Q: What does my playtime hours do?
A: Your playtime can be viewed by holding TAB, it simply means how long you've been playing here.

Q: What do I do if I've arrested somebody?
A: Take him to the nearest jail. They appear as blue grave stones on your radar.

Q: What do I do if I'm arrested by the police, and they're taking me to jail?
A: The only way to escape now is if the police officer is killed or the vehicle you're in becomes badly damaged.

Q: What can the staff members help me with?
A: Basiclly everything they know of. If you're stuck then they'll warp you, if you're bugged then they'll fix it. Staff are here for you.

Q: How do I open the CITphone, and is there anything I need to know before using it?
A: You have to press B to open the CITphone, and theres sort of nothing you need to know. Make sure to check out the Settings app as there are a lot of things you can change to make the game better.

Q: Where am I allowed to DM (Death Match)?
A: Only in Las Venturas, if you're seen or reported DMing in other cities you can get admin jailed and banned if repeated many times.

Q: Someone killed me without any reason in the cops and robbers or roleplay city, what do I do?
A: You've call an admin, and he'll check the player out. Be sure to get a screenshot, or atleast his name, that'll make it alot easier for us, staff.

Q: What do I do if I've found a bug in a script, or a way to exploit the script to get twice as much money?
A: All you have to do is to call an admin, and explain the bug. And it case, show him the bug. If there's no admin, you can report it on the Development Tracker at

Q: What if I've seen someone who abused? What do I do?
A: You contact one of our staff members, and tell him who it was, and what he abused with. The staff member will try the best to se if it's correct, and in that case, ban him.

Q: What do I do if I've seen someone cheating?
A: You contact one of our staff members, and tell him who it was, and what cheat you think he had. The staff member will try the best to see if it's correct, and in that case, ban him.

Q: I saw some staff which abused the admin power, what do I do?
A: Admin abuse is totally not acceptable. This is the point where you have to contact one of our headstaff. If you tell one of them what he abused with, we'll check up on it. Be sure to get a proof with, else we mostly just ignore those reports, because alot is doing it because they did something wrong but hoped that no punishment were given.


english = {
   [1] = "You are globally muted",
   [2] = "VIP 1/5 Bonus: $%s",
   [3] = "You have been sacked from the police for %s hours",
   [4] = "By %s (%s)",
   [5] = "%s sacked for %s hours",
   [6] = "Access denied",
   [7] = "Target player not in right team",
   [8] = "Player not found",
   [9] = "You can't arrest the briefcase holder",
   [10] = "You can not arrest bank robbers, KILL THEM!",
   [11] = "You already arrested two people",
   [12] = "You have been arrested by %s!",
   [13] = "Do NOT quit to evade arrest, you will be jailed automatically",
   [14] = "You have arrested %s take them to the nearest PD",
   [15] = "You have been kicked off the service for jacking a none wanted player",
   [16] = "You have been freed from the police",
   [17] = "Specify a player to release",
   [18] = "You released %s",
   [19] = "You were released by %s",
   [20] = "The player was not found",
   [21] = "You got $%s arresting a suicider",
   [22] = "Prisoner jailed, cash payment: $%s",
   [23] = "You got $%s arresting a quitter",
   [24] = "You have been admin jailed by %s for %s seconds",
   [25] = "The reason for this was: %s",
   [26] = "You were released from jail",
   [27] = "Cannot pay another fine for %s more minutes",
   [28] = "Cannot pay a fine while arrested",
   [29] = "Your wanted level is too high to pay a fine on",
   [30] = "Insufficient funds to pay this fine",
   [31] = "You paid a fine of $%s",
   [32] = "%s caught you speeding!",
   [33] = "%s is now wanted for speeding!",
   [34] = "%s is wanted on greater charges",
   [35] = "You need to include a name and an amount if bribing",
   [36] = "%s was not found on the server, check the spelling",
   [37] = "Bribing yourself, good idea",
   [38] = "Your wanted level is too high to make or accept a bribe",
   [39] = "You're too far away to bribe or accept a bribe from this person",
   [40] = "While arrested the only person you can bribe is your arrestor",
   [41] = "You have attempted to bribe %s for $%s",
   [42] = "%s is trying to bribe you to remove %s stars for $%s",
   [43] = "There is a 1 in 5 chance you'll get wanted for bribery, is $%s worth that risk?",
   [44] = "Type /accept %s to accept the bribe",
   [45] = "You already have an active bribe wait for it to expire",
   [46] = "Minimum amount per wanted star is $40",
   [47] = "You either don't have enough money, or you have no need to bribe someone",
   [48] = "The person you're trying to bribe is not able to accept bribes",
   [49] = "You have accepted %s's bribe and made $%s",
   [50] = "%s accepted your $%s bribe",
   [51] = "Unluckily you have been spotted accepting the bribe",
   [52] = "%s no longer has enough money to pay you",
   [53] = "%s does not require your help",
   [54] = "You have gathered sufficient evidence to determine the killer",
   [55] = "Congratulations! You have been promoted to %s",
   [56] = "You have unlocked: Traffic Officer. Enable job hunt if you want the job",
   [57] = "You have unlocked: Detective. Enable job hunt if you want the job",
   [58] = "You need $100 to start the shooting challenge",
   [59] = "You cannot use jetpack when wanted",
   [60] = "You cannot use jetpack when holding prisoners",
   [61] = "Sorry but due to abuse you can't use jetpack in LV",
   [62] = "This feature is only available to donators",
   [63] = "This vehicle is locked and can not be used",
   [64] = "You can not lock your car at this time",
   [65] = "You have locked your %s",
   [66] = "You can not lock your %s because it is too damaged",
   [67] = "You have unlocked your %s",
   [68] = "No lockable vehicle found",
   [69] = "Your %s was recovered from the sea",
   [70] = "This vehicle is owned by %s",
   [71] = "Setting headlight color to %s red, %s green, %s blue",
   [72] = "You need to own the vehicle first",
   [73] = "You need to be driving your vehicle",
   [74] = "You need to specify a name, use * for everyone",
   [75] = "You need to be in your vehicle",
   [76] = "You can only eject people from a vehicle you own",
   [77] = "Player name not found, use * to eject all",
   [78] = "Your dumper has been converted to a same valued vehicle",
   [79] = "%s you have bought a %s cost: $%s",
   [80] = "Vehicle could not be bought, removing vehicle",
   [81] = "Vehicle no longer exists",
   [82] = "Not found in vehicle ID number table",
   [83] = "%s was sold for $%s",
   [84] = "This vehicle has broken down, a mechanic is required to fix it",
   [85] = "Money Earned: $%s",
   [86] = "You exited your taxi and lost your passenger",
   [87] = "You exited your limo and lost your passenger",
   [88] = "A passenger is waiting near %s, be the first to get there",
   [89] = "You already have a passenger",
   [90] = "%s %s: Hello, take me to %s please",
   [91] = "Take the customer to the location marked with a red taxi blip",
   [92] = "Take the customer to the location marked with a red limo blip",
   [93] = "You were paid $%s",
   [94] = "Your cycling skill is now at %s/1000",
   [95] = "Your bike skill is now at %s/1000",
   [96] = "End your shift to use your new skin",
   [97] = "You have made $%s from stolen goods",
   [98] = "You were spotted robbing from this house!",
   [99] = "A race has been called! Get to the start line in 5 minutes",
   [100] = "Stay near the marker until the race starts",
   [101] = "%s has won the race!",
   [102] = "%s requires police assistance at %s",
   [103] = "Your message was sent to %s cop(s)",
   [104] = "%s requires a limo at %s",
   [105] = "There are no limo drivers online",
   [106] = "Your message was sent to %s limo driver(s)",
   [107] = "%s requires a medic at %s",
   [108] = "There are no paramedics online",
   [109] = "Your message was sent to %s paramedic(s)",
   [110] = "%s requires a mechanic at %s",
   [111] = "There are no mechanics online",
   [112] = "Your message was sent to %s mechanic(s)",
   [113] = "%s requires a taxi at %s",
   [114] = "There are no taxi drivers online",
   [115] = "Your message was sent to %s taxi driver(s)",
   [116] = "%s requires a pilot at %s",
   [117] = "There are no pilots online",
   [118] = "Your message was sent to %s pilot(s)",
   [119] = "A cargo ship is available to be robbed! Get there and steal cargo!",
   [120] = "A cargo ship is about to get robbed by pirates! Stop them!",
   [121] = "Take the box to the stairs leading to the water",
   [122] = "There is nothing of value left",
   [123] = "You dropped off a crate",
   [124] = "There is a container full of weapons at the top deck",
   [125] = "You received $%s from %s",
   [126] = "You sent $%s to %s",
   [127] = "You can not send money to another account in your first hour of play",
   [128] = "The sender and receiver both need to be logged in",
   [129] = "You dont have $%s to send",
   [130] = "The old password entered is incorrect",
   [131] = "Password changed successfully",
   [132] = "Vehicle fixed. Cost: $%s",
   [133] = "You don't have enough cash to get this damage fixed. You need: $%s",
   [134] = "This vehicle doesn't need to be repaired",
   [135] = "Be the first to get to the mystery van!",
   [136] = "You found %s hits of %s",
   [137] = "You found $%s cash",
   [138] = "You found some body armor",
   [139] = "This vehicle can not be modded!",
   [140] = "Insufficient funds! Your pocket shows $%s. Uninstall some upgrades, or right click the button to exit",
   [141] = "Player peak of %s reached!",
   [142] = "Enjoy a nice $%s bonus!",
   [143] = "The servers player peak is %s!",
   [144] = "You aren't in a vehicle!",
   [145] = "You aren't the driver!",
   [146] = "You will be killed in 20 seconds",
   [147] = "Due to injuries you fell off",
   [148] = "You don't have enough to buy this",
   [149] = "You have bought a lottery ticket, your number is %s. Good luck!",
   [150] = "You have already entered the lottery",
   [151] = "You don't have enough money",
   [152] = "CIT Lottery: No winners in this weeks lottery. The winning number was %s",
   [153] = "CIT Lottery: %s has won $%s in this weeks lottery",
   [154] = "Congratulations you got the story first",
   [155] = "Another reporter beat you too it",
   [156] = "This vehicle is already in good condition",
   [157] = "The driver already rejected your request",
   [158] = "Waiting for response",
   [159] = "The owner doesn't want his vehicle repaired",
   [160] = "You got the repairs 2/3 off the price ($%s) for repairs done to your %s",
   [161] = "You repaired %s's vehicle for $%s",
   [162] = "You were billed $%s for repairs done to your %s",
   [163] = "Repairing unowned vehicles doesn't make money",
   [164] = "You entered LV, the city of mafia wars",
   [165] = "Law does not exist in Las Venturas",
   [166] = "Jetpack is not permitted in LV",
   [167] = "You will respawn in 10 seconds...",
   [168] = "You respawned at your gangs closest turf (%s)",
   [169] = "Instead of spamming color change use this:",
   [170] = "Your gang color has been updated to this color",
   [171] = "Your gang color has been set to this color",
   [172] = "Only gangs with 10 or more members may have their own color",
   [173] = "Only a gang leader can use this command",
   [174] = "R G B must be between 0 and 255",
   [175] = "Format: /turfcolor r g b",
   [176] = "You can not take a turf with a jetpack on",
   [177] = "You entered: %s turf. Staying in this turf will trigger a turf war",
   [178] = "You entered: %s turf. Staying in this turf will assist your gang",
   [179] = "You entered: %s turf. Which is in a turf war with another gang",
   [180] = "You have entered friendly turf (Protection money not available)",
   [181] = "You entered friendly turf. Stay in the turf to reduce provocation level",
   [182] = "You have entered friendly turf that requires defense, take caution. Stay in the turf to reclaim it",
   [183] = "You have entered friendly turf",
   [184] = "You entered: %s turf. Press F6 if you want to join/create a gang to start a turf war",
   [185] = "You can not take a turf with a jetpack on",
   [186] = "Provocation and claim level lowered: %s/10 (This prevents gangs stealing your turf)",
   [187] = "Provocation level lowered: %s/10 (This prevents gangs stealing your turf)",
   [188] = "You can not take a turf with a jetpack on",
   [189] = "Provocation to start a turf war: %s/10",
   [190] = "You have just provoked a turf war!",
   [191] = "One of your gang turfs is being contested by %s",
   [192] = "Congratulations, your gang has taken the turf!",
   [193] = "Level to claim the turf %s/10",
   [194] = "Unfortunately another gang is trying to take this turf already!",
   [195] = "Unfortunately you are not in a gang so you can not claim this turf",
   [196] = "You feel nice and refreshed after having a good time",
   [197] = "The client doesn't want to have sex",
   [198] = "The client doesn't have enough money",
   [199] = "Free vehicles are only available to unwanted people",
   [200] = "Only senior paramedics and above can use the helicopters",
   [201] = "Free vehicles are only available to unwanted people",
   [202] = "You can not enter this vehicle",
   [203] = "Unable to buy the property when the owner is online and items in the house",
   [204] = "%s wants to buy %s but can't due to it having contents",
   [205] = "House Sold: %s ($%s)",
   [206] = "Cannot add things to a for sale house",
   [207] = "Added %s (%s) to %s",
   [208] = "Item not found in inventory",
   [209] = "Took %s (%s) from %s",
   [210] = "Item not found in house pocket",
   [211] = "Cannot deposit this weapon",
   [212] = "The specified account name does not exist",
   [213] = "You got the %s! Now deliver it to buyer set on your map!",
   [214] = "A %s has been requested and placed on your map, get it first!",
   [215] = "You got the %s! Now deliver it to buyer set on your map!",
   [216] = "You can not speak when you are dead",
   [217] = "%s successfully created",
   [218] = "You need to have 10 hours play time before creating a group",
   [219] = "You need to leave your current group first",
   [220] = "The name %s is already in use",
   [221] = "%s decided to delete %s",
   [222] = "You can not delete a group with more than 10 members",
   [223] = "Invalid account credentials entered",
   [224] = "The group name you entered does not exist",
   [225] = "Delete your group first",
   [226] = "Access Denied",
   [227] = "Use the leave gang button",
   [228] = "%s has kicked you from %s",
   [229] = "The player name you entered (%s) isn't online",
   [230] = "The player name you entered is not in your gang",
   [231] = "The player name you entered is not logged in",
   [232] = "Invalid password entered",
   [233] = "You don't appear to be a group leader",
   [234] = "Stay in the water to catch fish in your net",
   [235] = "You found a %s worth $%s",
   [236] = "Your net is full! Go back to shore and sell your fish",
   [237] = "Your catch has sold for a total of $%s",
   [238] = "This marker is for selling fish",
   [239] = "The fire is out, wait for a new fire to be reported",
   [240] = "Congratulations! You have been promoted to %s!",
   [241] = "Promotion Bonus of $%s!",
   [242] = "Next up: Medial Student. Requires 1900 more health points of healing",
   [243] = "Next up: Junior Paramedic. Requires 3000 more health points of healing",
   [244] = "Next up: Senior Paramedic. Requires 5000 more health points of healing",
   [245] = "Next up: Junior Doctor. Requires 5000 more health points of healing",
   [246] = "Next up: Senior Doctor. Requires 10,000 more health points of healing",
   [247] = "Next up: Junior Surgeon. Requires 15,000 more health points of healing",
   [248] = "Next up: Senior Surgeon. Requires 20,000 more health points of healing",
   [249] = "Next up: Vice Chief of Staff. Requires 25,000 more health points of healing",
   [250] = "Next up: Chief of Staff. Requires 35,000 more health points of healing",
   [251] = "You've made it to the top but if you want to be Jesus, get 880,000 more heal points",
   [252] = "1,000,000 heal points - you are amazing",
   [253] = "To prevent camping at LSPD, you can't heal here",
   [254] = "You will not make money from healing somebody you attacked",
   [255] = "You have been cured of the virus!",
   [256] = "You will not make money from healing somebody you attacked",
   [257] = "%s has been healed to full health",
   [258] = "%s has healed you to full health",
   [259] = "You have been cured of the virus",
   [260] = "You have been infected by a dangerous virus",
   [261] = "Seek medical attention before you die",
   [262] = "An outbreak of a virus has been detected!",
   [263] = "%s people require medical treatment!",
   [264] = "Seek medical treatment before you die",
   [265] = "The outbreak of the virus is now over!",
   [266] = "%s hits of %s made",
   [267] = "%s hits of %s found",
   [268] = "You don't have enough drugs to start selling",
   [269] = "Only Criminals can sell drugs",
   [270] = "Press W to stop selling",
   [271] = "Sold %s hits of %s for $%s",
   [272] = "%s hits of %s added to inventory",
   [273] = "25 Hits of weed added to inventory",
   [274] = "The next batch of weed will take %s minutes",
   [275] = "You were paid $%s",
   [276] = "Return back to the depot for more work",
   [277] = "You can't afford that",
   [278] = "Item bought. Cost: %s",
   [279] = "You can't afford that",
   [280] = "You are globally muted",
   [281] = "You're muted",
   [282] = "Your message is too short for main chat",
   [283] = "4 second wait time per message please",
   [284] = "Due to main chat spam you may only use it once every 8 seconds",
   [285] = "Please use another chat method like team, group or local chat or press J",
   [286] = "Car Chat is only available when you're in a vehicle!",
   [287] = "%s asked you to follow them (%s)",
   [288] = "%s asked you to follow them",
   [289] = "Not found as a player",
   [290] = "10 second interval required for nick change",
   [291] = "Names must be longer than 1 character",
   [292] = "Names must not contain the word player",
   [293] = "Names must contain a letter or number",
   [294] = "You're not a member of the SWAT Team!",
   [295] = "You're not an Armed Forces group member!",
   [296] = "You are now employed as a %s!",
   [297] = "Job hunt status set",
   [298] = "You have resigned as a %s",
   [299] = "You have started your shift",
   [300] = "Can not go off shift",
   [301] = "You have ended your shift",
   [302] = "This job name is not registered, you can't go off shift",
   [303] = "You are now a Criminal!",
   [304] = "%s has been deleted",
   [305] = "%s is already taken",
   [306] = "Leave your current business",
   [307] = "%s has been created",
   [308] = "Password incorrect",
   [309] = "You have left %s",
   [310] = "Business boss can't leave a business",
   [311] = "%s promoted you to manager",
   [312] = "%s promoted to manager",
   [313] = "Player is not in same business",
   [314] = "Only the boss can demote players",
   [315] = "Player doesn't need to be demoted",
   [316] = "%s demoted you to worker",
   [317] = "%s demoted to worker",
   [318] = "Player is not in same business",
   [319] = "Boss can not be kicked from business",
   [320] = "You need to be a manager to kick",
   [321] = "Only the boss can kick managers",
   [322] = "You're not in a business",
   [323] = "Player is already in a business",
   [324] = "You need to be manager or boss to invite",
   [325] = "%s invited you to the business: %s press F3 to accept",
   [326] = "Invitation expired",
   [327] = "Leave your current business",
   [328] = "%s has been joined",
   [329] = "%s gave you task (%s)",
   [330] = "A briefcase needs to be delivered! $20,000 reward for deliverer",
   [331] = "Only Criminals may hold the briefcase",
   [332] = "Deliver the briefcase to the new blip on your map",
   [333] = "Briefcase can not go inside a vehicle",
   [334] = "$%s kill bonus!",
   [335] = "Robbers were not holding all checkpoints this minute",
   [336] = "Robbers were holding all checkpoints. %s/%s minute(s) left",
   [337] = "Robbers were not holding all checkpoints this minute",
   [338] = "Robbers were holding all checkpoints. %s/%s minutes complete",
   [339] = "Robbers now control the %s!",
   [340] = "Police now control the %s!",
   [341] = "Los Santos Bank Robbery available in %s seconds (%s minutes)",
   [342] = "San Fierro Bank Robbery available in %s seconds (%s minutes)",
   [343] = "Caligulas Casino Robbery available in %s seconds (%s minutes)",
   [344] = "The place was just robbed, come back in %s seconds",
   [345] = "You require at least %s people standing in the marker",
   [346] = "Robbery triggered, you don't need to remain in the marker",
   [347] = "To open the safe you must gain and hold control of all control points for %s minutes",
   [348] = "Bank robbery in progress at the bank of Los Santos",
   [349] = "Bank robbery in progress at the bank of San Fierro",
   [350] = "Casino robbery in progress at Caligulas Casino",
   [351] = "To prevent the robbery take control of at least 1 checkpoint",
   [352] = "Police re-inforcements have arrived",
   [353] = "%s minutes remaining before police re-inforcements",
   [354] = "Exit the bank and leave the area to get your money",
   [355] = "You have fled the robbery with nothing but heat",
   [356] = "Good citizens bonus! $%s",
   [357] = "You can not come back to the bank after dying",
   [358] = "You cannot re-enter bank until 15 minutes after it started",
   [359] = "You can't enter the bank yet, come back in %s seconds",
   [360] = "You are not allowed to enter at this time",
   [361] = "You entered the bank rob zone",
   [362] = "You left the bank rob zone",
   [363] = "To rob the bank you need a ping (internet latency) below %s",
   [364] = "The bank is currently being robbed",
   [365] = "You don't have enough money",
   [366] = "%s sent you $%s via bank transfer",
   [367] = "%s received the $%s bank transfer",
   [368] = "You have transfered $%s to account name: %s",
   [369] = "Transfer Failed (insufficient funds)",
   [370] = "Transfer Failed (invalid amount)",
   [371] = "Transfer Failed (bad password)",
   [372] = "Transfer Failed (account not found)",
   [373] = "Warning! This is a restricted area you have 15 seconds to leave",
   [374] = "This weapon cannot be dropped!",
   [375] = "You need to drop at least %s for this weapon",
   [376] = "Insufficient ammo to drop",
   [377] = "You don't have enough ammo to drop this weapon",
   [378] = "You don't have enough to buy this",
   [379] = "You already own this weapon, no need to buy it again",
   [380] = "%s has bought a %s",
   [381] = "You don't have enough to buy this",
   [382] = "The seller doesn't have enough ammo for this gun",
   [383] = "This gun seller has no weapons to sell",
   [384] = "You slapped %s (100 HP)",
   [385] = "You have been slapped by %s (100 HP)",
   [386] = "Team is invalid, you are being put on Unemployed",
   [387] = "You muted %s, he/she can no longer SMS you. Type /smsmute [name] again to unmute",
   [388] = "That player doesn't seem to exist",
   [389] = "You did not enter a playername",
   [390] = "Cannot send: you're globally muted",
   [391] = "This player is globally muted and won't be able to respond",
   [392] = "This player has muted you",
   -- Server Side GUI messages
   [393] = "House Name: %s",
   [394] = "Owner: %s",
   [395] = "Initial Price: $%s",
   [396] = "Bought For: $%s",
   [397] = "Asking Price: $%s",
   [398] = "Interior: %s",
   [399] = "House Open: No",
   [400] = "House Open: On Show",
   [401] = "House Open: Yes",
   [402] = "House For Sale: Yes",
   [403] = "House For Sale: No",
   -- MsgBox messages
   [404] = "Email address entered is not valid",
   [405] = "Account registration failed. If the problem persists please contact CIT.",
   [406] = "Come on now, use a password that isn't somebodies first guess.",
   [407] = "The passwords entered do not match.",
   [408] = "The username is already taken.",
   [409] = "You need to enter a username and password twice.",
   [410] = "No account uses the email address provided.",
   [411] = "A message will be output if sent successfully.",
   [412] = "You now own %s congratulations!",
   [413] = "You already own this property.",
   [414] = "You own too many houses to buy another.",
   [415] = "You do not have enough money for this house!",
   [416] = "CIT House System",
   [417] = "New price for %s set to $%s",
   [418] = "To prevent over inflation of house prices you can only ask for twice the initial price.",
   [419] = "Enter a plain number for example 100000",
   [420] = "The house is no longer for sale.",
   [421] = "Can't sell a house with items inside",
   [422] = "The house is now for sale.",
   [423] = "The house is now open for anyone to enter.",
   [424] = "The house is now locked so only you can enter.",
   -- Attached Help messages
   [425] = "This player is already arrested",
   [427] = "%s doesn't have enough money",
   [428] = "%s doesn't have enough money",
   [429] = "You can not use explosives or fire indoors",
   [430] = "This job requires that you have less than %s wanted stars",
   [431] = "This job requires that you have %s arrests",
   [432] = "This job requires that you have %s hours of play time",
   [433] = "You can't join the police for another %s minutes",
« Last Edit: 26 09, 2011, 02:59:13 pm by Arran »
Proof You Are so Much More Than What You Realise
Authority is not truth. Truth is authority.


  • Guest
Re: Language File Beta!
« Reply #1 on: 26 09, 2011, 01:02:03 am »
 [71] = "Setting headlight colour to %s red, %s green, %s blue",
[512] = "Choose Colour",


  • Guest
Re: Language File Beta!
« Reply #2 on: 26 09, 2011, 01:11:53 am »
 [432] = " Costs:  $", space after the first " should be removed.

Offline Arran

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Re: Language File Beta!
« Reply #3 on: 26 09, 2011, 11:48:47 am »

Yesterday I forgot to add F1 pages they are now added! There are bound to be many grammar and spelling errors in FAQ due to them being made by noobs. This is your only chance to add stuff to F1, make use of it.
Proof You Are so Much More Than What You Realise
Authority is not truth. Truth is authority.


  • Guest
Re: Language File Beta!
« Reply #4 on: 26 09, 2011, 02:17:22 pm »
One question : My language contains characters like this : ẻ ẽ ẹ â ă . Can I give you translation file using these characters ?
Why I am asking this is because I can write normally in Word ( using font Tahoma - same as MTA ) but I didn't know how to write them inside MTA , not sure they are show perfectly IG.
So if any staffs have time , please test it for me.

Offline Arran

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Re: Language File Beta!
« Reply #5 on: 26 09, 2011, 02:30:59 pm »
MTA SA supports unicode (every language character) and this works AFAIK.

So yes translations will be able to use the special characters which is actually the reason why the language system has been postponed until now as MTA has only supported this for over a month.
Proof You Are so Much More Than What You Realise
Authority is not truth. Truth is authority.

Offline BlackS

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Re: Language File Beta!
« Reply #6 on: 26 09, 2011, 05:59:40 pm »
Nice news!
Going to try to translate the most sentences in Dutch to help you with it.
- Noobs will be owned
- The last Airforce General (GOAF)
- Longest Airforce General (I tought)
- (15/4/2012) - Spent the most on food   TRL-BlackS*SWA


  • Guest
Re: Language File Beta!
« Reply #7 on: 27 09, 2011, 06:38:36 am »
He said don't translate it yet.

Offline K0Killer2

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Re: Language File Beta!
« Reply #8 on: 27 09, 2011, 07:01:59 am »
Q: Do the server have a website, if yes, what is it?
A: Our main site is - if you wanna go on our forum.
Q: Do the server have a website, if yes, what is it?
A: Our main site is, if you wanna go on our forum and if you wanna report a bug, or request a feature.

Q: Does the server have a website, if yes, what is it?
A: Our main site is, if you wanna go on our forum and if you wanna report a bug, or request a feature.


  • Guest
Re: Language File Beta!
« Reply #9 on: 27 09, 2011, 12:48:09 pm »
[542] = [[
For further information hit F1 while playing.

CIT2 CnR/MW/RP is a server with multiple 'game modes' running along side each
other. You are free to go around all of San Andreas and change what gamemode
you're playing by going to another city at any time.

CnR - Cops and Robbers
Los Santos is the home of the CnR gamemode. Law enforcement fight crime all
over the city with gun battles and police chases. Pick this gamemode if you
like playing as police or criminal and ready for constant action. This is the
most popular and most enjoyable gamemode.

MW - Mafia Wars
Las Venturas is the home of the MW gamemode. War between various gangs for
control of the city are constant thing. Pick this gamemode if you like team
deathmatching and constant violence.

Note: Mafia Wars is not a very well developed gamemode so to play mafia wars
you must move to Las Venturas from another city.

RP - Role Play
This is not a proper RP server we only have basic things for people who to "RP"
like civilian jobs and a basic business system, then again "proper RP" doesn't
require scripting, you make it up!

[543] = [[
1. Do not deathmatch. - What is deathmatching? Deathmatching is defined as killing or harming without good reason.

2. Listen to server staff. - Server staff can be indentified by a [CIT] tag and are here to help you and others.

3. Speak English in mainchat. - Press J and use the different chat rooms for talking other languages.

4. Do not cheat or exploit bugs. - Cheating is defined as an unfair advantage. Ruin other peoples fun, and we'll ruin yours.

5. Do not purposefully evade ingame situations. - Most notably logging out or disconnecting from the server.

6. Report disruptive players and do not spam the chatbox. - Use J --> Help to contact an admin. Admins can be identified through a [CIT] infront of their name.

7. Do not request an unfair advantage from a member of staff. - Server staff will never give you something.

8. Play nice, don't flame, and don't troll - Things can be much more enjoyable for everybody then. Trolling will not be tollerated.

9. Do not ask for special privileges, most notably staff rights. Asking for admin won't work.

10. Do not speak about other servers/other GTA multiplayer mods or anything else to provoke people.

11. You must bring arrested players to the jail and may not drive them around.

12. Do not camp at LSPD or hospitals.

13. Do not spawnkill or spawn arrest players.

14. Heli-killing and park-killing is not allowed, they're disabled.

15. Police may not stay near or be inside the bank if the bank robbery is soon to begin.

16. Selling accounts or selling arrests to other players is not allowed.

17. You are not permitted to be mentally handicapped or have no understanding of English.

18. Do not ram/honk at/punch/stand near anybody in the staff team.

[544] = [[
   Welcome to CIT CNR/MW/RP!
   Across all three gamemodes your statistics and posessions will remain the same
   and you can change between gamemode at any time by simply going to another city,
   try the train station.
   Our aim is to provide as much fun and enjoyment for all of our players as
   possible, yes i'm talking to you! If you're not enjoying your time on the
   server you tell us why because we do care. But remember, adding new features
   takes time and if you really want something learn to script, make it and if
   its good we can add it.
   If you are unsatisfied with anything, you can get your voice across on our
   forum at or if you need to speak directly
   with the community leader for example with staff misconduct (which will be
   taken extremely seriously) then send an email to [email protected]
   Important keys:
   B - Open/close the citPhone
   J - Chat interface system
   F1 - Documentation
   F2 - Vehicle Manager
   F3 - Job Manager
   F4 - Drug Panel
   F5 - Weapon Stats
   F5 - Police Panel
   F6 - Group Panel
   F7 - Animations
   Jump - Grab on to a helicopter
   Backspace - Let go of a helicopter
   /sell - Allows criminals to sell drugs
   /gc message - Group chat
   /peak - View server player peak
   /release playername - To release somebody you have under arrest
   /charges - View the list of charges against you
   /allcrimes - View your criminal record
   /criminal - Go criminal
   /e or /law - Chat for all emergency and law teams
   /barrier1 to /barrier4 and /removeallbarriers - SWAT Team and Armed Forces only
   /headlights red green blue (where red green blue are between 0 and 255)
   /cc message - Speak to players in the same vehicle only
   /follow playerName [reason] - Ask playerName to follow you
   /smsmute [name] - Prevent a player from sending you SMS's
   /changegroupleader [myPassword] [newLeader] - Give group to another member
   /kill - If you're stuck you can use that to die
   /dropwep [amount] - Drop some ammo/weapon for the weapon you have out
   /turfcolor [R G B] - Set the RGB color of your gangs turfs
   /eject [playername] or * to remove somebody from your car
   /lock - Toggle locking on a nearby owned or job vehicle
   /od [0-5] - Open vehicle doors, bonnet and trunk
   /cd [0-5] - Close vehicle doors, bonnet and trunk
   Website and Forum:

I fixed the bolded , It should be trunk , not truck.


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Re: Language File Beta!
« Reply #10 on: 27 09, 2011, 08:29:58 pm »
When needed, ask me to translate into french (mail)

Offline Arran

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Re: Language File Beta!
« Reply #11 on: 28 09, 2011, 01:58:59 pm »
<Arran> I need somebody to do convert and into like this
<Arran> [1] = "Hello", --> [1] = "", -- Hello
<Arran> and for those ones that are like [1] = [[Stuff]] --> [1] = [[]] -- Stuff
<Arran> actually thats wrong
<Arran> [1] = [[Stuff]], --> [1] = [[]], --[[Stuff]]-- is right
<Arran> so when people make translations they enter what they see on the right of the -- into the box on the left

When somebody has done this please send it in a PM to me also double check that its right, don't rush it.

Use that exact format, the -- is essential. You're basically removing the message and putting it at the end of the line after a -- so its a comment in the script.
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Re: Language File Beta!
« Reply #12 on: 28 09, 2011, 03:53:33 pm »
When i can start translate in russian language? Any bonuses for hard work?

Well, if you're only doing the translation cuz you wanna have any special advantages, we don't need ya.... What we need, are guys that want to help CIT....


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Re: Language File Beta!
« Reply #13 on: 28 09, 2011, 05:50:56 pm »
<Arran> [1] = [[Stuff]], --> [1] = [[]], --[[Stuff]]-- is right

I missed comma in that, shall I re-send you the 2nd link?

Offline Arran

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Re: Language File Beta!
« Reply #14 on: 28 09, 2011, 06:24:28 pm »
I missed comma in that, shall I re-send you the 2nd link?

Quicker for me to add it.
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