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One more week

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One week left until the release of CIT RP 1.0 to the public, but its already done! Last night I was considering opening early, but because everyone is prepared for the 26th for all this time it would be bad to bring it forward. It also gives us another week to fix the server up. But fixing doesn't take a whole week and I'm in need of something to work on.

What is a big project, important for an RP server, and wanted by everyone?

Housing system. A big task but easy for me to achieve in one week and get some house mappers mapping the whole of LS. But of course this won't just be any, rushed, lump of crap script.

Some housing systems either have no support for interiors or very little support, these systems are in my view: pointless. I will make sure that every single house mapped will come with an interior. We will also create a special policy on mapping houses, to ensure consistency in house prices.

Will we will also prevent hyper-inflation (too much money) by not giving out millions of dollars and capping the amount a player can ask for their house. If a house is mapped for $200,000 then the max somebody could charge would be for example: $400,000.

The owner of a house would be able to lock their property in the GUI so nobody can enter. If a house remains unlocked anybody can enter via the GUI. Only houses will be mapped first because businesses are a different story.

I think that the housing system is one of those things that keeps people hanging around, because they seem so desperate to have their name on a housing icon, if we didn't have this then we'd be at a disadvantage to the other RP servers.

As well as being able to enter and lock a property (cant hide from cops in it though) owners will (maybe not at the start) be able to store items in their properties like guns, drugs, money?, etc, etc. Lets bring some actual use to owning a property, not just having your name on some GUI!

I love it,I would also love to help you guys map,I had exp. with mapping houses,and was an admin on several servers.So thumbs up for this! :D

if storing system will be enabled, than maybe you should put GUI for that. and anybody that enters the house can use a GUI to steal those stored things. so more people would be careful with locing houses  :)

Sounds good!


--- Quote from: Anon. on 19 12, 2010, 02:05:54 pm ---if storing system will be enabled, than maybe you should put GUI for that. and anybody that enters the house can use a GUI to steal those stored things. so more people would be careful with locing houses  :)

--- End quote ---

Very good idea indeed, rather than robbers just going round and randomly being able to make money, they have to actually steal off other players.

Very good point.


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