Ingame Community > News and Updates

[A] CITNews | Cristiano



In-game name: Cristiano
Account name: TeoCRi
Discord account name (Name#ID): Cristiano#7370
Country of residence: Turkey - TR

Screen-shot of your playtime (/stats): playtime
Screen-shot of your punishment logs (/punishlog): punishlog

Why do you want to join the CIT News team?: Because I believe that I can fulfill all the requirements of this duty. Before Pavard shared this idea on Discussion Board, I knew and advised him. I'm a good person and I'm not troublemaker. We have to work together for this board. If you find me worthy of this duty, we can do it.
Do you have an Android or iOS phone?: Yes, I have a iOS phone.
Which page do you want to be a part of for publication?: Community Positions Publisher/Photography Publisher.
Have you made any poster related designs or any submission on Business Board?: No.

I will not try to slide in any false news: Yes.
I will report inactivity from the beginning of the week: Yes.
I will not follow the leaders and my decisions will be final irrespective of what the leaders asked for: No.
I will leak finished images or WIP pages even before its publication: No.


Your application to join the CIT News team has been set to pending. You will soon get a result, until then

CIT News Team

Dear @Cristiano 

We are glad to inform you that your application to be a part of the CIT News team has been accepted

Welcome to the team
° Request your addition in the Roster
° PM a leader on discord so that we can give u access to the private channels
° Read Publisher's Guidebook to know how we will make each page for CIT Magazine
CITNews Team ©


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