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[D] CITNews | Cipherx



In-game name: Cipherx
Account name: ew4la04
Discord account name (Name#ID): C I p h e r x#6521
Country of residence: Philippines

Screen-shot of your playtime (/stats):
Screen-shot of your punishment logs (/punishlog):

Why do you want to join the CIT News team?: I'm interested in this project of anuran and pavard that's why I want to be part of CIT News, I want to help and especially learn too here. Doing my best as a Publisher is one of my goals if I got accepted here, I will give a lot of entertainment as a publisher and I will do what my duty is.
Do you have an Android or iOS phone?: I will be full active in PC but I don't have mobile phone right now.
Which page do you want to be a part of for publication?: Event News Publisher
Have you made any poster related designs or any submission on Business Board?: No

I will not try to slide in any false news: yes
I will report inactivity from the beginning of the week: yes
I will not follow the leaders and my decisions will be final irrespective of what the leaders asked for: no
I will leak finished images or WIP pages even before its publication: no


Your application to join the CIT News team has been set to pending. You will soon get a result.

CIT News Team


Dear @Cipherx

Unfortunately, your application to be a part of the CIT News has been denied.

Its set to denied for the following reasons
° Didn't receive enough votes
° Effortless application
CIT News Team


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