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[+++] When danger level <1.0 cops are given additional time penalty to enter AR

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ok so I'll start of by Saying that I absolutely hate the danger level mechanic affecting cnr. I wouldn't want to lend any legitimacy to it by upvoting your suggestion. Store robberies have been absolutely decimated. Very rarely is robbing stores worth your time these days because either cops are cracking and you won't get robs or cops are inactive and the robberies take far too long. You might only get 2 hours in a 24h period where it's actually balanced.

The system also discourages play on the server. If there's already a bunch of criminals online then it isn't worth my time to rob stores. When cops are cracking it isn't worth it to attend cnr either as I'll fail every ar and not be able to rob a single store. I'm not allowed to switch sides either so my only option is just to just get off and play something else.

If I were mean spirited I would want to inflict the same torture on cops that we experience daily on criminal side and upvote this but I don't think it would be healthy for the game.

 :cros: :cros: :cros:


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