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Parachute will automatically open at a certain distance in LMS

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Parachute should automatically open in the right x-axis limit distance from the ground, since players being annoyed by this thing when they fall-off and got killed because of delayed opening of the parachute.

Voting positive.

OhhKarim explained everything pretty well and I think he clearly made a good point.There should be a text as "Open your Parachute" , and even then if the player does not or is not able to open the parachute ,it will automatically open it self.
It wont harm anyone weather he is a newbie or experienced ,on the contrary it will help many people and will avoid unnecessary deaths,which might also encourage the players to Play the last man standing.
I wont be a problem for the developers as no big or hard script is required,

Yes it is great and will help the new players in the server .

my vote : Positive.

I'm supporting this for the following reasons.

[*]  Will decrease the number of unnecessary deaths caused by fall damage.
[*] Since the recent update follows a certain system of some LMS games, so this is necessary to make parachute open at a certain point.
[*] The players will be balanced and opens the parachute at one time together.


--- Quote from: Petey on 05 01, 2019, 06:50:08 pm ---[*]  Will decrease the number of unnecessary deaths caused by fall damage.

--- End quote ---
Nothing else to say, voting positively.


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