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[+++] Those owning more than 5 house slots will be charged when offline

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Because my suggestion was supported by most of the active members from community but unfortunately it was locked just because title because I don't know what title to set for one update which he didn't changed anything, I re-suggest similar thing here but with a proper title (I hope).
Few months ago (in august), this update it was added but didn't changed nothing:

Saturday 19th August 2023
- Due to certain players hoarding a ridiculous amount of houses, those who own more than the max (5) house slots will no longer have those count towards their limit and will therefore be charged when online until they reduce their amount of houses for sale. (Arran + Metall)

We see the problem still persist, so the problem is that: the players which they must pay these tons of houses they remain offline most of time, and they came back after 13 days because they don't want to lose their houses, so they came online for few secounds and after that they trick this update remain offline.

My suggestion is to set this if you are going offline like if they are online. To make that update to works fine, we need to make it offline/online and after that we will see some changes. If not, the players with tons of houses will remain all time offline because if they are online they will pay tons of cash
The actual situation are making these with tons of houses to go offline all time, just to keep blocked the market and new players and many others which are active everyday, they never have any small chance to find something. And owners with tons of houses, are just trick the system to remain offline just for don't pay any extra taxe.


good idea  :tick:




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