Support > Group Guides

How to become a successful leader

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--- Quote from: Black-Curse on 09 03, 2018, 02:10:16 pm --- imo thats not needed, they ain't ur friends but still, u can be good to them.

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I recommend you to be-friends with members so you can know them better before promoting them and they can get to know the leadership and how the leaders actually behave to their members.


--- Quote from: TheHacker on 09 03, 2018, 02:18:32 pm --- I recommend you to be-friends with members so you can know them better before promoting them and they can get to know the leadership and how the leaders actually behave to their members.

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Promotions depends on Members' work, and that is different from a group to another.


--- Quote from: Toby on 09 03, 2018, 02:24:36 pm ---lol

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Excuse me?


 :fp: :fp:
@Clinkz  may you delete those useless replies?


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