Author Topic: Group Guide  (Read 5366 times)

Offline Jaguar.

  • Kai Zen
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Group Guide
« on: 19 10, 2017, 04:59:28 pm »

What is a Group?

How can I create a group?

• Press F6 and in the left window in the edit box at the top enter a name of your group and select 'Create Group'

What can I do on it?

• Can turf
• Can have an alliance
• Have a bank
• Have a chat for the group staff/leaders
• Have a blacklist system
• Have a whitelist system
• Can use /gmotd
• Can use /gsmotd
• Can use /gapps
• Can place barriers if applicable

How can I buy group member slots?

• You can buy group slot by doing this T > /buygroupslots <amount>
Note: each slot is $50.000

How can I invite players to the group?

• Press F6, click on 'Invite player to group' and then just enter player's name.

How I can change my group colours

The founder or leader can customize their group’s turf colour using the following command, /turfcolor <R G B>. Similarly, group chat colour can be modified using the /groupchatcolor <R G B> command.

How can I delete the group?

• To delete your group you have to kick every member first and then click on 'Delete Group'. After that enter your password and click on 'Delete'
Note: Be sure that you are the founder of the group.

How can I leave if I am the Founder of the group?

• Promote someone to 'Founder' (the highest rank) and then leave

How to disable my group names on my map
• You can disable group names in /settings

Why I can not depost/withdraw money from my group bank?

• Your group must be Level 1 to gain access of the group bank

How can I get my group job?

• Use the command /gojob.
Note: Your group must be official so you have a group job

What is the command for manage a group?

• /grouponline -> To check number of group members online
• /gsc text -> Chatbox for group staff chat. Any rank can be given permission to this chat by editing ranks permissions.
• /gc <message> -> Group Chat.
• /gmotd <message> -> Group message of the day
• /buygroupslots <amount> -> Buys additional group slots (default is 20) at $50,000 each, max is 150.
• /turfcolor R G B -> Set the RGB colour of your gang's turfs. This will not change the colour of current turfs.
• /turfcolorls R G B -> Allows you to change LS turf color.
• /groupchatcolor R G B -> Changes your group’s chat colour (for all members). However, everyone can change the color that will appear so for themselves only in /settings. Founder has access to this command, and can delegate this power to other ranks.
• /grouphistory -> View the joins, leaves, and kicks among other things from December 20 2012 onwards.
• /groupwhitelist -> Opens an interface to permit groups or players entering your base.
• /groupblacklist -> Allows you to blacklist players by adding their accounts or serials.
• /groupbank -> Launches the group bank, which allows for donations only to be accessible by the founder or those empowered. (This feature is currently only enable to semi-official and official groups to prevent abuse)
• /groupnote <message> ->  Is for note all members, who are online
• /alliance -> Allows you to see alliance GUI
• /basekick -> command to all bases outside LV. This will help the owning groups to kick out invaders.
• /mgd -> command to put a destination point for your group

How can we level our group?[ And their perks

Group Level 1 (Achieved with time)

• Level 1 groups have access to deposit money to the group bank.

• To promote your group to Level 1, you must get a board for your group and you can apply for Group Board here

Group Level 2 (Achieved with time)

• Level 2 groups can buy tools, equipment, ammo and guns from their group info icon.

• To promote your Group to Level 2, you must get a Group base, you can apply for Group Base here

Group Level 3 (Achieved with time)

• Level 3 groups is having a car spawner.

• To promote your Group to Level3, you must get a car Spawner and you can apply for it here

Group Level 4 (Achieved with time)

• Level 4 groups have access to one skin shader paid with in-game money.

• To promote your Group to Level 4, you must get Group skin Shader (Whic you will get for ingame money if you're already Level 3) Request a Group skin Shader for in-game money here

Group Level 5 (Given by staff)

• Level 5 groups get access to barriers.

Group Level 6 (Official features decided by whole staff team)
• Level 6 groups get access to custom group job and /gojob.
• (L6+) groups can get 5 vehicles (including armored) to be recovered without VIP by their members
• (L6+) groups can place a small speaker to share their music in a restricted area.
• (L6+) groups may request some graffiti to be added to their list in Land Development board.

Group Level 7 (Official features decided by whole staff team)

• Level 7 groups get 5 more skin shaders.

Group Level 8 (Official features decided by whole staff team)

• Level 8 groups get heli spawners and access to armed vehicles to spawn for free.

Group Level 9 (Official features decided by whole staff team)

• Level 9 groups can use tazer to slow down vehicles with 3+ stars wanted criminals inside.
• Level 9 groups can request fuel and repair markers to be added at their base/hoods
« Last Edit: 20 10, 2017, 12:11:01 am by Jaguar. »
Not only a group, but family.

Offline Clinkz

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Re: Group Guide
« Reply #1 on: 19 10, 2017, 07:21:13 pm »
Hello Jaguar, nice to see you again!

As you can see, there is a sticky topic about 'Group Guide' in this board. Why did you made another one :-\