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Positivity / Re: Are you a good person? The Shopping Cart Theory
« Last post by Arran on 13 04, 2024, 11:06:44 pm »
This seems more like a debate board topic.

Some people get hired just to bring back shopping carts, returning them would mean less work for them, eventually leading them to unemployment.

Using this logic, people should commit crimes so that police have jobs. :fp:

But yes as Ace said it was thought provoking. But surely people bring back their carts back because otherwise they'd be in the way of them driving off? So it's kind of necessary for practical reasons. Here most supermarkets have you put a £1 coin in them to get one so you need to take it back to get your £1 when you reconnect it with another trolley, because the sad truth is there's enough bad people in this world who can't be trusted with basic civil decency.

I don't think if you put the cart back it makes you a good person, because you may do it because of social norms rather than because you're good, I think being good is harder than that. Going against social norms to do what's truly right, like giving up animal products to stop animals from going through unimaginable suffering, this is the real test of character and only a few percent of people are willing to go against society, risk being made fun of, give up food options to do what's truly right. A good person at minimum must 'do no harm' and that shouldn't just be to other humans but to other sentient beings, but I suppose we've all done harm to another sentient being, we could all have been better people, I guess as long as we're a good person in our own eyes, that's what matters in the end. That was definitely thought provoking.
News and Updates / Re: Adding a new command called '/dangerlevel update'
« Last post by Seraphine on 13 04, 2024, 07:17:56 pm »
News and Updates / Re: Adding a new command called '/dangerlevel update'
« Last post by ValHalla on 13 04, 2024, 06:24:52 pm »
Actually, we can just update the current command and make danger level visible in the right bottom of your screen without the need of a new command. And if you want danger level to disappear, just re-type the command /dangerlevel once again.

News and Updates / Re: Adding a new command called '/dangerlevel update'
« Last post by Wish' on 13 04, 2024, 03:27:14 pm »
Actually, we can just update the current command and make danger level visible in the right bottom of your screen without the need of a new command. And if you want danger level to disappear, just re-type the command /dangerlevel once again.
It make sense.  :tick:
News and Updates / Re: Adding a new command called '/dangerlevel update'
« Last post by Pythh on 13 04, 2024, 03:14:45 pm »
I like to see short and sweet developments
i agree with you.. :tick: :tick:
News and Updates / Re: Adding a new command called '/dangerlevel update'
« Last post by Elysia on 13 04, 2024, 02:38:23 pm »
Actually, we can just update the current command and make danger level visible in the right bottom of your screen without the need of a new command. And if you want danger level to disappear, just re-type the command /dangerlevel once again.
This is a good idea.  :tick:
Positivity / Re: Are you a good person? The Shopping Cart Theory
« Last post by Ace on 13 04, 2024, 01:00:17 pm »
It's a thought provoking question. What it essentially boils down to being a good person when no one is looking. That's how we can can bring positivity in the world.
- New players (below 20 hours of playtime) will be shown a tip on how to start an armed robbery once they enter the area. (Danzy + Cerberus)
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