Author Topic: How to make a home page topic for your group/squad  (Read 1428 times)

Offline MacMan

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How to make a home page topic for your group/squad
« on: 11 01, 2021, 09:49:25 pm »
Hello there, As I see a lot of players want to make board for there squads, groups etc.. so I am here to guide you a bit like how to make a topic for your squad or group easily. I will make a homepage of my squad to explain you a bit. So lets started I will not make full homepage of my squad will just make a short one to guide you easily.

Homepage of Kingsman Agency

Squad Info

Squad Date Creation: 1 May, 2018
Squad Founders: Simba, BUXI, Sweet
Squad Motto: The Secret Service
Squad Type: Civilan
Squad Tags:'KM #KM |KM
Squad Discord:
Squad RGB Color: (R:250 G:140 B:0) = Kingsman_Agency
Squad Leaders: Mr.Eich, Avices, Sultan
Squad Supporters: Sultan

So here I made an example for you guys. So first of all lemme explain you how I maked this

First you need to put the name of your squad like I put "Homepage of Kingsman Agency" and then you need to write Squad info with the squad color I used my squad color as you guys can see.

so if you need to choose a color go to google and write there something like #fa8e00 so you will see there will a panel open so you can choose what color you want and it will make it so after choosing your color write this:
Code: [Select]
[color=#fa8e00]Kingsman Agency[/color]
So if you try this it will change your text color as he changed mine : Kingsman Agency. After this you need to change your text style so lemme explain  you how you guys can change the style of your text. Well its simple but little hard so lets start. after you write Kingsman Agency then write this commad [font=][/font] so you have to write courier, comic sans mc, georgia, arial, arial black, times new roman, trebucket ms, verdana on the straight of [font and = and the courier] after you done then place [/font] on the end of it so it will be looks like this Kingsman Agency I choose "comic sans ms". So now you guys thinking to make it bold so there is a way to make it bold just place and it will be look like this Kingsman Agency. And also if  you wanna make it some glow or wanna use some shadow on it then use this to make your text glow [glow=color,number][/glow] add your color on the color and add your number on the number so it will make your text glow like this Kingsman Agency and if you wanna make it something like shadow so use [shadow=rightcolor,leftcolor][/shadow] add your color on the left side and add where you wanna add the shadow left or right add a one so the shader will appear like this I have choose left Kingsman Agency.

Code: [Select]
[color=#fa8e00][font=verdana]Kingsman Agency[/font][/color]
Code: [Select]
[color=#fa8e00][font=verdana][b]Kingsman Agency[b][/font][/color]
Code: [Select]
[color=#fa8e00][font=verdana][b][glow=#fa8e00,2,300]Kingsman Agency[b][/font][/color]
Code: [Select]
[color=#fa8e00][font=verdana][b][glow=#fa8e00,2,300][shadow=#fa8e00,left]Kingsman Agency[/shadow][b][/font][/color]
That's the formats which I used to change this text. So this thing done lemme explain you guy to put a photo here for your squad.

First of all you need a photo for it i'll choose a my squad logo

So after getting the picture of logo whatever you want to use ["url=paste the link here of the picture of logo"] and  then write ["img"] paste the same link here with .jpg or .png and then at the end of it write ["/img"] and ["/url"] and if you want it to in the center then use ["center"]["/center"] and the picture will come in the center.

Code: [Select]
Here's the code which one I used. Hope you guys will like it thanks for your time to read my guide of how to make a board of a topic on forum.

Credit goes to @Willy
I apologize if I ever was a toxic person in your life, I'm maturing more everyday, correcting my wrongs and slowly but surely becoming a better version for me