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Ingame Community => News and Updates => Topic started by: RaMoS on 05 01, 2022, 12:11:45 am

Title: [+++]A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if Criminal has 15sec
Post by: RaMoS on 05 01, 2022, 12:11:45 am
Well, I tried to explain it in the title but let me explain the suggestion more, Most of us know that robbing the armed robbery is terminated if the time of the AR is expired, meaning if you have minutes or seconds to finish the AR, but the AR timer has already expired, you cannot complete the task by robbing the AR and you fail to do so, Therefore, I suggest that the Criminal be given a chance to complete the AR if he has less than 15 seconds of time left after the end of the Armed Robbery, A lot of times "most of the time" it's about seconds and sometimes 1 second to complete the AR but for the reason that the AR timer finishes I fail to achieve it on just 1 second which annoys me sometimes, so I'm sure this suggestion is of particular interest, Sometimes the AR activity is low and there is not even a single cop

I hope I explained it well and I look forward to your opinion, Thanks.
Title: Re: A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if the Criminal has 15 sec
Post by: Dokt0R on 05 01, 2022, 12:44:09 am
Cool idea for a few time of 15 seconds, I guess.  :tick:
Title: Re: A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if the Criminal has 15 sec
Post by: T0Y-B0Y on 05 01, 2022, 09:06:25 am
Yea it always happens to me when I rob a armed robbery and the AR end before I finish by some seconds which is annoying so yea this would be great I am positive
Title: Re: A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if the Criminal has 15 sec
Post by: sando on 05 01, 2022, 11:06:20 am
For me happened many times when I was in the criminal side and it was annoying, I am Upvoting this suggestion because it helps criminals finish the time left. :thumb:
Title: Re: A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if the Criminal has 15 sec
Post by: 21Savage on 05 01, 2022, 05:39:01 pm
Very good suggestion. It is very annoying. It will encourage more criminals to attend ARs. Positive  :tick:
Title: Re: A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if the Criminal has 15 sec
Post by: Han'Lue on 05 01, 2022, 06:35:31 pm
Voting Positive, I totally agree with you, it will be better for the crim side and I don't think it will have a negative effect.
Title: Re: A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if the Criminal has 15 sec
Post by: Sawos on 05 01, 2022, 07:39:24 pm
Increasing the AR's period of time would be nice instead of giving a percentage of time for those who have few seconds left.
It will save time for developers themselves.
Title: Re: A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if the Criminal has 15 sec
Post by: Lily on 05 01, 2022, 08:18:21 pm
Ye, f.e, it becomes a struggle when you're in LS and the AR is outside the city, like Freight Station or BB, you'll obviously take a while to get there and you end up losing some time. It gets worst when there's no/low activity from the law side and they don't attend the robberies, so you can't win some free time by killing them. Plus, afaik, you get an aditional 3 seconds (if i'm correct) everytime you leave the robbery area, and it happens a lot of times, and due to these reasons you end up losing the robbery for a few seconds. I'm completely voting  :tick:
Title: Re: A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if the Criminal has 15 sec
Post by: RaMoS on 12 01, 2022, 05:04:18 pm
waiting more votes....
Title: Re: A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if the Criminal has 15 sec
Post by: Waltz on 12 01, 2022, 07:36:38 pm
Since I am a criminal as well I used to fail AR's with 5-10 seconds even I get kills and I know I am not the only one. As Ramos said it will be useful for criminals in my opinion. It will prove the criminal activity and criminal players as well. Voting Positive  :tick:
Title: Re: A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if the Criminal has 15 sec
Post by: CJGIANNHS on 13 01, 2022, 01:59:16 am
Same thing happened to me too, just for few seconds not complete the AR, so this is a good idea this 15 seconds will help I guess.
Positive  :tick:
Title: Re: A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if the Criminal has 15 sec
Post by: Agent47 on 13 01, 2022, 07:49:22 am
Very nice suggestion here. Well it's pretty easy to complete the AR once but those who still got some time after robbing once, may go for robbing it twice. Now half of the time, the AR ends while we are at the last few seconds of the second robbery. This suggestion should reduce this problem for which I'll go with positive.
Title: Re: A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if the Criminal has 15 sec
Post by: PradivizionN on 13 01, 2022, 09:48:38 am
Yea I failed the rob many times with just a few seconds and such an addition will be great for sure. :tick:
Title: Re: A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if the Criminal has 15 sec
Post by: Dust on 13 01, 2022, 12:51:52 pm
It is a good idea btw. I don't even remember how many times I missed with a few seconds. so I suppor totally :tick: :tick:
Title: Re: A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if the Criminal has 15 sec
Post by: 4g. on 15 01, 2022, 09:57:49 am
Very good idea, this happens to me a lot, it will be better if we have a few more seconds

I vote Positive
Title: Re: A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if the Criminal has 15 sec
Post by: Wrath on 16 01, 2022, 04:08:19 am
15 seconds of extra time is too much. its not a nearby miss if your Robbery gets terminated at 15 seconds remaining. Most of Robberies which takes place are mostly missed by 7 seconds at max if you do right maths. I think 10 seconds of extra time would be enough. Neutral
Title: Re: A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if the Criminal has 15 sec
Post by: Mask on 16 01, 2022, 02:27:50 pm
The suggestion is useful, it is only 15 seconds that would not cause problems with users, so that criminals can steal since some arrive after 1 or 2 minutes. Positive
Title: Re: A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if the Criminal has 15 sec
Post by: TwCafe on 29 01, 2022, 01:06:37 pm
This suggestion is more logical and it's a good one I'm glad to see it's been added.  :tick:
Title: Re: A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if the Criminal has 15 sec
Post by: Madaus on 29 01, 2022, 03:22:19 pm
Great idea! it happens to me a lot, even tho its my last 1-5 seconds and still the AR is finished maybe giving 15 seconds chance for the criminals will be better.  :tick: :tick:

Title: Re: A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if the Criminal has 15 sec
Post by: ReDoXx on 29 01, 2022, 05:47:00 pm
I always face this problem and I fail to rob because of the last 5 seconds and it's very annoying, it would be very helpful for criminals who attend AR's to add 15 seconds. I'm positive  :tick:
Title: Re: A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if the Criminal has 15 sec
Post by: Wish' on 29 01, 2022, 06:02:04 pm
Very good idea, this happened to me all the time, and its kinda annoying so im positive :tick:
Title: Re: A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if the Criminal has 15 sec
Post by: RappNig on 30 01, 2022, 12:53:57 pm
Yeah, this is exactly what we all need. Almost everyone felt how annoying is that, arriving kinda late and not being able to finish robbin it.
15 seconds are enough.  :tick:
Title: Re: A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if the Criminal has 15 sec
Post by: AlabasterSlim on 30 01, 2022, 01:27:32 pm
Looks like the community does like your suggestion.
Though, you can simply avoid the robbery gone wrong if you calculate the time whenever you rob it in the first place.
I'll give you a positive feedback as it looks the community is struggling with the timers.
Title: Re: A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if the Criminal has 15 sec
Post by: SqueX on 14 02, 2022, 10:03:32 am
yes, this has happened to me many times, it is very annoying, I support this suggestion.Positive
Title: Re: A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if the Criminal has 15 sec
Post by: SiFiras on 14 02, 2022, 12:31:45 pm
It happens to me atleast twice a day that I can't finish the rob because of 7 or 8 seconds and it's really annoying so yeah m up voting this. :tick:
Title: Re: A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if the Criminal has 15 sec
Post by: TwCafe on 15 02, 2022, 01:57:14 am
He said everything. I'm positive.
ye im positive on this for the above reasons
Marked as useless posts and have been removed.

21 positive votes. Marked as High priority.
Title: Re: [+++]A chance to complete robbing the AR after it's over if Criminal has 15sec
Post by: Arran on 15 02, 2022, 05:40:47 pm
- If an armed robbery ends when robbing time left is less than 15 seconds, it will count as completion. (Arran + iRaMoS)