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Disabling jetpack around hits


As the title says,

I am suggesting to disabled players unable to remove their jetpack near a hit, almost the same as a cop near a wanted criminal..

I find it ridiculous how these VIP's don't try to get hits, they only fly around with a jetpack using 0 skill and 0 effort, those who don't have VIP struggle to kill the hits compared to those with VIP


I totally agree its so annoying when youre doing bike stunts and you get on top of a building using your skills and in the middle on nowhere someone comes Up with a Jetpack and starts to shoot you, With 0 effort to get on top of the building. + 1 for me  ;)

Well I agree with that because it is unfair to have VIPs just taking their jetpacks and reaching hits easily while non-VIPs have to struggle to catch the hit and kill him.So by disabling jetpacks around hits with a certain distance,this will be very useful and the situation will be balanced.

I'm Supporting This Idea



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