Support > Resolved Questions

I can't join the game..

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Any update? @ManeXi

restart mta, surely that folder loaded wrong and there was some error that prevents you from entering the server.

restart your 'PC' and try it again or re_install MTA again

Any news? @ManeXi


--- Quote from: Kazoki on 19 05, 2022, 08:25:01 pm ---Just run the game as an administrator before launching it even if there's a corrupted lua file/mismatch the game should be able to replace it with a new one if you're running it as an administrator (That's the general solution for any permission denied error) Another solution is deleting all the corrupted resources to download them again when connecting to the server (someone mentioned it already but the first solution is more reasonable and convenient imo)

--- End quote ---

@Kazoki  hey, bro better delete MTA and GTA SA files to be sure 100% here is not any corrupted file. Also, try to update your DirectX programs and your Windows, because this message Disconnected [CD 48] it happens when you have some files corrupted, or you have any modifications in the original game. Also, try with your Firewall offline to see if this can be a problem, because I saw some tutorials where they get crash because some conflicts. I hope you will fix the problem from your computer.


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