Author Topic: CIT Settings Interface [UPDATING]  (Read 15060 times)

Offline Zelda

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CIT Settings Interface [UPDATING]
« on: 15 11, 2018, 08:02:44 pm »
CIT Settings Interface

The CIT settings system is a panel that gives us the possibility to customize our game features, this means that we can customize how we want to see the game from our point of view, it also serves to make modifications according to the situation in which we are, for example if you receive many messages you can limit the chats you see, and be able to focus more on one than on all the others, you can also improve the visibility of your game (client-side) to make it more attractive or to increase the performance of PC when playing.

Visual interface:

To open this panel you must use the / settings command inside the game.

How use panel:

-Search settings edit:
With this utility you can search more quickly the option you want to find, it is not necessary to write everything correct, with parts of the name or keywords the option will appear.

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-Description and selection:
In this part, you can see how to interact with an option, the first is to read what you do if we modify this, second choose a value in the second table, this can vary, in some cases it is ("Yes", "No") in others can simply appear an edit below that will allow us to enter a value and also some that allow us to choose up to 3 or more options such as: "Green", "Turf Color", "None".

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-Option restoration:
If you think that you have made an error when modifying some option or you simply want to revert the change to the predertemined value of the panel, you can click on "Default".

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Note: In some cases the options that require (reconnect) can be solved simply by setting the value 2 times, since in your options XML was not saved, this way you will not have to reconnect when using certain options. (In summary, click twice).

Panel options:


Minimum FPS:
This setting will try to keep your FPS (frames per second) above this number by disabling non essential visual features, such as player hats and custom textures when FPS drops below the number you choose here and automatically re-enable them when FPS rises above the minimum.
Default value: ('30') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values: 30-60
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Maximum FPS:
You can increase your maximum FPS (frames per second) from 36 up to a maximum of 60. We recommend you DO NOT have it higher than 45 else you will suffer from various GTA bugs including: not being able to take off in a skimmer, animation bugs, not being able to swim fast and losing health when climbing over some objects.
Default value: ('45') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values: 30-60
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Radar Image:
This option lets you change the image that is used by the mini-map and large F11 map. We have map-hd.png (default) and map.png for you to already use, you can specify another and place it here: /MTA San Andreas 1.5/mods/deathmatch/resources/CITradar/images/ (or wherever you installed MTA). Press F11 to refresh the image.
Default value: ('map-hd.png') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values: Folder Pach

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Classic Group, Squad, Alliance Blips:
If you have group / squad / alliance blips enabled, group members will be displayed as blue circles, squad as orange and alliance as green.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.
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Choose Alliance Nametag:
Select 'Green' to show your alliance members nametag as green, select 'Turf Color' for their nametags to match the same color they use when they capture turfs, or select 'None' to not change the nametag of alliance members.
Default value: ('None') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Green', 'Turf Color', 'None'.
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Enable Group Blips:
This option lets you enable or disable group blips. Group blips let you see your group members on the map. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' to disable.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.
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Enable Squad Blips:
This option lets you enable or disable squad blips. Squad blips let you see your squad members on the map. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' to disable.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.
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Enable Group Chat:
This option lets you enable or disable group chat being output to your chatbox. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' to disable.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No', 'No + No Group Staff Chat'.
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Enable Squad Chat:
This option lets you enable or disable squad chat being output to your chatbox. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' to disable.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.
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Enable Unit Chat:
This option lets you enable or disable unit chat being output to your chatbox. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' to disable.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.
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Enable Alliance Chat:
This option lets you enable or disable group chat being output to your chatbox. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' to disable.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.
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Enable Group/Alliance Member Names in F11:
This option lets you enable or disable showing the names of your group/alliance members in F11
Default value: ('Group Only') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Group Only', 'Alliance Only', 'Group and Alliance', 'Disabled'.

Disable Group Tag Colors:
Some groups such as FightForHonor and DeltaTeam have their own group tag color. These can be very annoying and confusing so to disable them select 'Yes'. This setting will also disable the donator custom name tag colors as they're even more annoying.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.
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Toggle Group Login Messages:
Set this to 'Yes' if you want to recevie a notification whenever someone in your group logs in.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Toggle Squad Login Messages:
Set this to 'Yes' if you want to recevie a notification whenever someone in your squad logs in.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Toggle Alliance Login Messages:
Set this to 'Yes' if you want to recevie a notification whenever someone in your alliance logs in..
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Invite Messages:
Set this to 'Yes' if you want to recevie a message when you're invited to a group or squad. If you get annoyed by unwanted invites set this to 'No'.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.
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Enable Speed Blur:
This option lets you enable or disable the sides of your screen going blury when you drive fast. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' to disable.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Enable Clouds:
This option lets you enable or disable clouds. Keeping them disabled helps frame rate when flying through clouds. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' to disable.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Enable Heat Haze:
This option lets you enable or disable the heat haze effect which is when the weather is hot. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' to disable.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Enable Rain:
This option lets you disable rain, you might want to disable rain if you experience lag / low frame rate when it's raining.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Set Far Clip Distance:
This option lets you set how far you can see in the world. Default is 860, minimum is 50 and maximum is 6000. Changing your far clip distance can cause graphical bugs and or game instability so if problems occur reset it back to around 860.
Default value: ('860') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Enable Random Foliage:
GTA places random chunks of grass, bushes and small trees. Because these small trees are random it means they can contribute to desync so we've disabled them by default.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.


Set Custom Jetpack Mod:
This option lets you choose between several different jetpack mods.
Default value: ('HD Jetpack') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'HD Jetpack', 'HD Jetpack 2', 'Rocket', 'Girl', 'Batman', 'Machine', 'Parajet', 'Subway', 'Modern', 'Crazy', 'Default'.

Enable Server Gun Mods:
This option lets you enable or disable the gun mods that we have on weapons, if you have your own mods you will need to disable this. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' disable and the mods will change.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Wash Cars:
This setting will apply a shader to vehicles which will remove the dirt from them.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Blue Sky or Real Night:
This option lets you enable the beautiful blue sky instead of default miserable sky. Or you can enable the 'real night' which makes night time very dark.
Default value: ('Default') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Default', 'Blue Sky', 'Real Night'.

Weapon Laser:
Some weapons have lasers. If you don't want to see these lasers or if you notice lower FPS because of them, set this setting to Off.
Default value: ('Off') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'On', 'Off'.

Custom Player Skins:
Custom player skins are mainly used by groups, it allows us to have different textures on the same player model. If you have low FPS disabling this might help.
Default value: ('Enabled') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'.

Custom Vehicle Skins:
Custom vehicle skins allows us to have different textures on the same vehicle model. If you have low FPS disabling this might help.
Default value: ('Enabled') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'.

Custom Clothing:
Custom clothing allows us to have different textures on the same CJ clothing item. If you have low FPS disabling this might help.
Default value: ('Enabled') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'.

Player Hats:
Using '/viphats' players can wear certain items as hats. If you suffer from low FPS disabling this will help.
Default value: ('Enabled') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'.

Players are able to paint custom graffitis on walls ingame. If you suffer from low FPS disabling graffitis will help.
Default value: ('Enabled') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'.

Enable neon upgrades on vehicles:
This option lets you enable or disable neon upgrades on vehicles.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.


Good Textures:
This option lets you turn on good textures that are applied to some things like billboards, markers, buildings, land, etc. Put in the box the FPS you must have for this to be activated.
Default value: ('62') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Water Shader:
This option lets you enable or disable the water shader. The water shader makes water look really nice. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' to disable. You can only use one water shader at a time.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.
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Water Shader #2:
This option lets you enable or disable the water shader. The water shader makes water look really nice. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' to disable. You can only use one water shader at a time.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.
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Water Shader #3:
This option lets you enable or disable the water shader. The water shader uses a texture that looks just like Vice City water. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' to disable. You can only use one water shader at a time.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.
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Bloom Shader:
This option lets you enable or disable the bloom shader. The bloom shader makes the game look different. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' to disable.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.
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Car Reflection Shader:
This option lets you enable or disable the car reflections shader. The car reflection shader creates a real reflections of the GTA world on vehicles. Put in the box the FPS you must have for this to be activated.
Default value: ('62') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Road Shine Shader:
This option lets you enable or disable the road shine shader. The road shine shader makes the roads shiny. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' to disable.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Detail Shader:
This option lets you enable or disable the detail shader. The detail shader makes some game textures more detailed. Put in the box the FPS you must have for this to be activated.
Default value: ('62') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Alternate Sky Shader:
Having this option set to yes will make the sky look better.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Contrast Shader:
This option lets you enable or disable the contrast shader. The contrast shader can make the game look better, you'll need to enable it to understand better. It seems to make some places too bright though. Warning: Requires a decent computer. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' to disable.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.


Police Radio Volume:
Set between 0 and 1 (0 to completely disable) to control the volume at which you will hear police radio messages. These messages are created using a third party website and played in game at events like a store robbery.
Default value: ('0.8') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Disable Music Speakers:
Music speakers are usually created at events by admins. Donator level 3's can also place them at car shows. Disabling these won't play the stream. Disable if you don't have much bandwidth.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

CITy Zone Music:
When you enter a CITy zone, the owner can set any music stream they want. If you don't want to listen to these streams set this to disabled.
Default value: ('Enabled') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'.

Custom Car Music:
When you enter a vehicle driven by someone else they can set any music stream they want. If you don't want to listen to these streams set this to disabled.
Default value: ('Enabled') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'.

Custom Apartment Music:
When you enter an apartment owned by someone else they can set any music stream they want. If you don't want to listen to these streams set this to disabled.
Default value: ('Enabled') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'.

Custom House Music:
When you enter a house owned by someone else they can set any music stream they want. If you don't want to listen to these streams set this to disabled.
Default value: ('Enabled') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'.

Custom Country Rifle and Tazer Sounds:
Some weapons such as the tazer and country rifle have custom sounds, if you don't want to hear those sounds set this to 'Disabled'.
Default value: ('Enabled') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'.

Custom Weapon Sounds:
This option lets you enable or disable custom weapon sounds.
Default value: ('CSGO') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'GTA's Default', 'GTA SA v2', 'Silenced', 'CSGO', 'GTA V'.

Area Sounds:
In some parts of the map we have added sounds which you'd hear if you really were in that area in real life such as in the country side you will hear birds, if you don't want to hear those sounds set this to 'Disabled'.
Default value: ('Enabled') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'.

Mission Sounds:
In some jobs / missions there are custom sounds such as Iron Miner pick axe sound, if you don't want to hear those sounds set this to 'Disabled'.
Default value: ('Enabled') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'.

Disable Wind Sound:
That annoying wind sound that constantly plays when you're outside can be disabled with this setting however you must enter an interior every login for it to apply. Also seems to disable the jetpack sounds.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Disable Explosion Sound:
Explosions from the constant usage of grenades can be annoying, this setting fixes that. If for some reason you like to hear constant explosions set this to 'No'.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Enable Chronicles Music:
This option lets you enable or disable chronicles music. If you don't want to listen to chronicles music that can be quite interesting to listen when playing a chronicle, set this setting to 'No', set this setting to 'Yes' otherwise.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.


Enable New HUD:
This option lets you enable the new HUD, this changes how your health, armor, time, money and weapons are shown on screen
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.
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Show Selected Weapon Only:
If you are using our new HUD, it shows all the weapons you have. Set this to 'Yes' to only show the weapon you're holding.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Time Spent Online Counter:
This option will display a counter that records the amount of time that you've spent online in the top right corner of your screen.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Enable Notifications:
This option lets you enable or disable the notification icon near your radar, for example when somebody buys your house and you are offline.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Altitude Warning Sound:
Set this to 'Yes' if you want to hear a warning sound when you are flying on a low altitude with your plane.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Show Attacker Info:
Having this selected will show who last did damage to you on screen and be able to see everyone who attacked you in a GUI that you can open with /showattacks
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Target Arrow Above Head:
This option lets you toggle the triangle that appears above the head of a player or ped when you aim at them and the color of that arrow varies based on their health.
Default value: ('Off') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'On', 'Off'.

Disable Kill Messages:
If you disable kill messages you'll no longer see who killed who (you only see nearby kills) on the right side of your screen. If you disable this you will only see who you've killed and who killed you.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Enable Info Adverts:
This option lets you enable or disable the info adverts that appear routinely at the top of the screen. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' to disable.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Show Occupation On Screen:
If you forget what team you're on or what occupation you have enable this as it'll show your job occupation on screen all the time in your teams color!
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

No Rectangle For Top Messages:
Enabling this option will not display an annoying wide black rectangle at the messages you see at the top of the screen.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Disable Top Messages:
If you disable top messages, those messages will appear in your chatbox rather than at the top middle of your screen.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

DX Message On Update:
This option lets you enable/disable a dx message whenever an update is added.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

LV Top killer + Group:
While in LV (Las Venturas) you can see todays top killer and top group, set this to 'No' to disable it. You will need to re-enter LV if you're inside LV for this setting to take effect.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Show Bomb Timer for Rustler/Cropduster:
If you enable this option, once you throw a bomb, a timer will appear showing after how long you can throw another bomb. If you disable this option, you will not see the timer.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Custom Titles:
Custom titles are a custom message some players have set to appear above their head using '/customtitles'.
Default value: ('Enabled') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Enabled', 'Disabled', 'Enabled + See Own'.

Daily reward time counter:
Enable or disable the daily reward uptime counter shown at bottom right of screen whenever you login.
Default value: ('Disabled') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'.

Drug Info Display:
Here you can choose whether to show the drugs you're currently taking as image icons or as text which also shows time left.
Default value: ('Images') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Images', 'Text'.

See Target Ping:
When you aim at a player, you will see their ping (latency in miliseconds) advanced players might benefit from this, to aim ahead of a moving target based on their ping.
Default value: ('Disabled') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'.

See Emojis:
When a player says certain things in local chat like ':)' instead of seeing ':)' above their head you see an emoji.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Hourly Event Alert:
This option lets you enable or disable hourly events alert. If you want to see the hourly event alert that is displayed in the center of your screen, select 'Enabled'. To disable, select 'Disabled'.
Default value: ('Enabled') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'.

Enable Compass:
This option shows a Fortnite-like compass, useful for communication. Set this to 'Yes' to enable it, 'No' to disable it. This may impact your FPS if enabled
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Compass Position:
This option allows you to change the Fortnite-like compass's position on your screen.
Default value: ('Right') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Top', 'Bottom', 'Right'.

Compass Color:
This option allows you to change the Fortnite-like compass's color on your screen. Use the format: R G B (RGB being 3 numbers between 0 and 255 which make up a color. To find the color code you want you can do /headlights and then look at what it says in the RGB boxes so for example if you wanted red you'd have: 255 0 0 - To use white color (255 255 255), leave this blank
Default value: ('255 255 255') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Duel Tournament Messages:
This option lets you enable or disable duel tournament messages. If you want to see the duel tournament messages that are often displayed at the top of your screen, select 'Enabled'. To disable, select 'Disabled'. This option doesn't include the start message of the duel tournament.
Default value: ('Enabled') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'.


Enable Weapon Binds:
This option lets you select weapons by pressing a number key, you need to enable New HUD (above) to use this.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Set custom weapon crosshair:
This setting will set a custom crosshair for each weapon you use. If you choose 'dynamic', the custom crosshair will change based on gun you're using.
Default value: ('Dynamic') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Off', 'Dynamic', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15'.

Set Hit Sound:
This setting will set a custom sound that will ring every time you hit a player.
Default value: ('Off') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Off', '1', '2', '3'.

Set custom sniper crosshair:
This setting will set a custom crosshair for sniper rifle.
Default value: ('6') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Off', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12'.

Hit mark on crosshair:
This setting will enable a hit mark that will appear on your crosshair each time you successfully hit a player with your gun.
Default value: ('All') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'All', 'Handguns', 'Shotguns', 'Sub-Machine Guns', 'Assault Rifles', 'Rifles', 'Heavy Weapons', 'Off'.

Automatically shoot and aim:
This option lets you to enable or disable automatically aim and automatically shoot when you press left or right mouse button. This is somehow useful if you face issues with weapon binds.
Default value: ('LMB') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'LMB', 'RMB', 'Disabled'.

Slot: Fists:
Set a key between 1 and 9 to switch weapons to this slot (Fists, Brass Knucles)
Default value: ('1') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Slot: Melee:
Set a key between 1 and 9 to switch weapons to this slot (Golf club, Nightstick, Knife, Baseball Bat, Shovel, Pool Cue, Katana, Chainsaw)
Default value: ('1') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Slot: Melee 2:
Set a key between 1 and 9 to switch weapons to this slot (Flowers, Cane, Dildo, Vibrator)
Default value: ('1') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Slot: Handguns:
Set a key between 1 and 9 to switch weapons to this slot (Colt 45, Silenced Colt 45, Desert Eagle)
Default value: ('2') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Slot: SMGs:
Set a key between 1 and 9 to switch weapons to this slot (Uzi, Tec-9, MP5)
Default value: ('2') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Slot: Shotgun:
Set a key between 1 and 9 to switch weapons to this slot (Shotgun, Sawnoff, SPAS)
Default value: ('3') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Slot: Assault:
Set a key between 1 and 9 to switch weapons to this slot (AK-47, M4)
Default value: ('4') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Slot: Rifle:
Set a key between 1 and 9 to switch weapons to this slot (Rifle, Sniper)
Default value: ('5') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Slot: Heavy:
Set a key between 1 and 9 to switch weapons to this slot (RPG, Flamer, Minigun)
Default value: ('5') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Slot: Projectiles:
Set a key between 1 and 9 to switch weapons to this slot (Grenade, Satchel, Molotov, )
Default value: ('6') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Slot: Detonator:
Set a key between 1 and 9 to switch weapons to this slot (Detonator)
Default value: ('6') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Slot: Special 1:
Set a key between 1 and 9 to switch weapons to this slot (Spraycan, Fire extinguisher, Camera)
Default value: ('7') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Slot: Special 2:
Set a key between 1 and 9 to switch weapons to this slot (Parachute, Infrared and Nightvision Goggles)
Default value: ('7') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:


Enable Main Chat:
This option lets you enable or disable main chat from appearing in your chatbox. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' to disable. To use main chat: /main message here.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Enable My Country Chat:
This option lets you enable or disable chat messages from players who are in the same country as you from appearing in your chatbox. To chat in this country system simply press T and enter your message there and only those in the same country as you will see these messages. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' to disable.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Disable Team Chat in Chatbox:
Set to 'Yes' if you don't want team chat to show up in your chatbox. Though you can still view it by pressing J and selecting 'Team'
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Enable Admin Held Event Messages:
This option lets you enable or disable chatbox messages to do with events held by an admin. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' to disable.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Enable Automated Maths Trivia Messages:
This option lets you enable or disable auomated maths trivia messages appearing in your chatbox. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' to disable.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Enable Admin Quiz Messages:
This option lets you enable or disable admin held quiz messages appearing in your chatbox. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' to disable.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Enable State Officials Quiz Messages:
This option lets you enable or disable State Officials held quiz messages appearing in your chatbox. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' to disable.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Enable Donator Chat:
If you have a donator level and don't want to see donator chat, select No.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Disable Arabic:
This option lets you disable seeing messages in local chat and FMSG that contain arabic so you don't have to see stuff you can't read.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Disable Chinese:
This option lets you disable seeing messages in local chat and FMSG that contain chinese (and probably other similar languages) so you don't have to see stuff you can't read.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Heist / Riot Top Damage/Killers:
When a heist / armed robbery / riot ends messages appear in your chatbox saying the top 3 damagers and top 3 killers on both sides and top 3 medics. If you are a top player you will still see the message even with this disabled.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Hit Target Messages:
To disable the hit target messages like '$x hit placed on xyz' and 'x completed hit on y' select 'No'.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Super Adverts:
Super Adverts are chat box lines that begin with (ADVERT)
Default value: ('Enabled') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'.

Show Police Dispatch Response Messages:
Police dispatch response messages are the messages you see every time an officer uses /res to calls such as a store robbery. If they get too spammy you can choose the option 'No'
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Show Police Dispatch Calls:
Police dispatch messages are when certain crimes are commit, they can be quite often so you might want to disable them, but then you won't be able to see what calls are available to respond to.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Unit Chat Above Head:
Local chat messages appear in the chatbox and above a players head. This setting will show unit chat messages above the head of nearby unit members when they talk in unit chat.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Squad Chat Above Head:
Local chat messages appear in the chatbox and above a players head. This setting will show squad chat messages above the head of nearby squad members when they talk in squad chat.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Group Chat Above Head:
Local chat messages appear in the chatbox and above a players head. This setting will show group chat messages above the head of nearby group members when they talk in group chat.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Show Law Chat:
If you set this to 'No' you won't be able to see law chat messages, these are the messages that start with [E] that you see when playing as law enforcement.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.


CITbook FMSG Color:
This option lets you change the color of (FMSG) in your chatbox when a friend sends a message to their friends using /fmsg message. Use the format: R G B (RGB being 3 numbers between 0 and 255 which make up a color. To find the color code you want you can do /headlights and then look at what it says in the RGB boxes so for example if you wanted red you'd have: 255 0 0
Default value: ('255 164 32') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

My J Color:
This option lets you change the color of your own messages that appear in the 'J' chat interface. Use the format: R G B (RGB being 3 numbers between 0 and 255 which make up a color. To find the color code you want you can do /headlights and then look at what it says in the RGB boxes so for example if you wanted red you'd have: 255 0 0 - To use the unit color, leave this blank
Default value: ('247 255 162') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Chatroom Color:
This option lets you change the color of (chatroom) messages. Use the format: R G B (RGB being 3 numbers between 0 and 255 which make up a color. To find the color code you want you can do /headlights and then look at what it says in the RGB boxes so for example if you wanted red you'd have: 255 0 0 - To use the chat rooms color, leave this blank
Default value: ('') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Group Chat Color:
This option lets you change the color of (GROUP) messages. Use the format: R G B (RGB being 3 numbers between 0 and 255 which make up a color. To find the color code you want you can do /headlights and then look at what it says in the RGB boxes so for example if you wanted red you'd have: 255 0 0 - To use the groups color, leave this blank
Default value: ('') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Group Staff Chat Color:
This option lets you change the color of (GSC) messages. Use the format: R G B (RGB being 3 numbers between 0 and 255 which make up a color. To find the color code you want you can do /headlights and then look at what it says in the RGB boxes so for example if you wanted red you'd have: 255 0 0 - To use the groups color, leave this blank
Default value: ('') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Squad Chat Color:
This option lets you change the color of (SQUAD) messages. Use the format: R G B (RGB being 3 numbers between 0 and 255 which make up a color. To find the color code you want you can do /headlights and then look at what it says in the RGB boxes so for example if you wanted red you'd have: 255 0 0 - To use the squad color, leave this blank
Default value: ('') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Unit Chat Color:
This option lets you change the color of (UNIT) messages. Use the format: R G B (RGB being 3 numbers between 0 and 255 which make up a color. To find the color code you want you can do /headlights and then look at what it says in the RGB boxes so for example if you wanted red you'd have: 255 0 0 - To use the unit color, leave this blank
Default value: ('') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Discord Message Color:
This option lets you change the color of (DISCORD) messages. Use the format: R G B (RGB being 3 numbers between 0 and 255 which make up a color. To find the color code you want you can do /headlights and then look at what it says in the RGB boxes so for example if you wanted red you'd have: 255 0 0 - To use the discord color, leave this blank
Default value: ('') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:


Healing / Armor Sale Restrictions:
Select 'All' to be able to heal everybody, select 'No Law' to not heal law, select 'No Criminal' to not heal criminals, select 'No Law + Group + Alliance' to heal your group and alliance but not law, select 'No Criminal + Group + Alliance' to heal your group and alliance but not criminal, or select 'Group + Alliance' to only heal your group and alliance members.
Default value: ('All') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'All', 'No Law', 'No Criminal', 'No Law + Group + Alliance', 'No Criminal + Group + Alliance', 'Group + Alliance'.

Switch to Fists When Sprinting:
This option lets you enable the script which changes your weapon to fists when you sprint with a weapon that doesn't allow sprinting. Note that to prevent a bug where some weapons get stuck on 0 ammo in clip, this feature is disabled when reloading is required and you run while holding a Rocket Launcher, Country Rifle, Sniper Rifle and Shotgun.
Default value: ('Disabled') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'.

Receive Player Screen Shots:
This option lets you ignore any screenshots that players try to send to you in the event that a player is sending you unwanted screenshots simply select 'No' and you won't be able to receive any more screenshots.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Lock Game Time:
This option lets you lock the game time to a certain hour, so if you want it to be day time constantly put 12 or any other time you want like 0 for night time. Set it to anything that isn't 0-23 to have normal time.
Default value: ('-1') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Sync Game Time:
This option lets you sync the game time with your current real time, so that the in-game clock matches your current local time.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Automatically Pay Jail Fine:
If you change this setting to 'Yes' you will automatically pay the jail fine and respawn at hospital instead of spawning in prison and having to use /payjailfine
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Auto Jail Fine Max Payment:
If you only want to pay jail fines below a certain cost, enter that cost here.
Default value: ('999999') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Enable Car Horns + Sirens:
This setting lets you mute car horns + siren, because a lot of players are annoying and spam the horn and sirens.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

CITPhone Mark by Anyone:
Setting this to 'No' means that only CITbook friends, staff members, squad and group members can mark you on their map with a blip. You might want to disable this if someone is repeatedly finding you and harassing you.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No', 'No + nobody at all'.

Weed Effect In Vehicle:
Setting this to 'No' means that your vehicle won't have low gravity while you're on the 'Weed' drug. Having this on 'Yes' can be good for stunting but bad for driving fast as the vehicle will float.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Automatically Glue To Vehicles:
Setting this to 'No' will mean that when you stand on a vehicle that you are permitted to glue to you will not be glued to it. Gluing to a vehicle means you can't fall off.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Notify me of New Players:
If you want to be notified when a player logs in for the first time set this to 'Yes' this setting is only useful if you want to help new players.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Double click F7 for auto buy:
If you set this to 'Yes' when you double click on an item for sale in F7 trading it will automatically buy all units.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Disable ped's moving head:
If you can't accept that your ped turns its head to look around like humans do, set this to 'Yes'.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Lock Vehicle Camera:
Locks vehicle camera static with vehicle movements like racing games.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Idle Animation:
When you're idle, your character will do a random animation.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Allow Medic Healing:
If you change this setting to 'No', medics won't be able to heal you.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Allow 18+ Animations:
If you're annoyed by wanking or pissing animations, select 'No' to not see them on screen anymore.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Stop Drugs When Idle:
By default if you don't move, shoot or chat for 180 seconds, new hits of drugs won't be taken, you can change the seconds till you're considered idle here.
Default value: ('180') - Settings type: (Edit Box) - Choose Values:

Receive PM's from Discord:
If you don't want to receive PM's from Discord users set this to 'Disabled'.
Default value: ('Enabled') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'.

Adjust Cockpit View:
This is an experimental feature. Enable and use it at your own risk.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'No', 'Yes'.

First Person Disable Mouse When Driving:
When you're in first person mode (using '/fp') and driving a vehicle you might want to not be able to look around with the mouse, if this is the case then set this to 'Yes'.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'No', 'Yes'.

Toggle Team Countdown:
Police Chiefs/Criminal Boss can start a police countdown which appears in the middle of your screen. Set this to 'Yes' to see it, or 'No' to not see it.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.


Enable SMS From Friends Only:
This option lets you enable or disable receiving CITphone SMS messages only from people who are on your friends list. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' to disable.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

CITbook friend login/logout notification:
This option lets you enable or disable receiving a notification on the right of your screen when a CITbook friend logs or out. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' to disable.
Default value: ('No') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

CITbook enable FMSG:
This option lets you enable or disable receiving friend messages (FMSG) in your chatbox when a friend sends a message to their friends using /fmsg message. Select 'Yes' to enable, select 'No' to disable.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Allow Friend Requests:
This option lets you disallow receiving friend requests. If you set this to 'No' anyone who sends an invite will be told you don't allow requests.
Default value: ('Yes') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.


[LV] Instant Weapon Switch:
Your vote on preference only counts when in LV. Instant weapon switching means that switching weapons is much faster, which can cause issues like desync exploits. If more players vote 'Yes' than 'No' that are currently in LV, weapons will instantly switch.
Default value: ('') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

[LV] Switch When Aiming:
Your vote on preference only counts when in LV. Switch when aiming means that you can switch weapon without even letting go of aim. If more players vote 'Yes' than 'No' that are currently in LV, weapons will be switchable while aiming.
Default value: ('') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

[LV] Switch When Shooting:
Your vote on preference only counts when in LV. Switch when shooting means that you can switch weapon while shooting, this is probably exploitable. If more players vote 'Yes' than 'No' that are currently in LV, weapons will switchable while shooting.
Default value: ('') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

[LV] Punch When Sprinting:
Your vote on preference only counts when in LV. If you punch while sprinting you can cause some exploits so here you can vote to stop the exploiting. If more players vote 'Yes' than 'No' that are currently in LV, punching while sprinting will be possible.
Default value: ('') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

[LV] Sea Sparrow Shooting:
Your vote on preference only counts when in LV. If more players vote 'Yes' than 'No' the gun on the sea sparrow will function.
Default value: ('') - Settings type: (List) - Choose Values: 'Yes', 'No'.

Request , change or remove an option in the guide.

Code: [Select]
[b]Type:[/b] Example: (update / remove / add)
[b]Option Name:[/b]
« Last Edit: 18 11, 2018, 11:46:42 am by Zelda »

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Re: CIT Settings [UPDATING]
« Reply #1 on: 15 11, 2018, 08:26:06 pm »
This is crazy Zelda, great great work on this
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Re: CIT Settings [UPDATING]
« Reply #2 on: 15 11, 2018, 10:06:33 pm »
seems like it took a lot of time writing this, great work keep it up mate, Cheers  :thumb:
ᴀᴍʙɪᴛɪᴏɴᴢ ᴀᴢ ᴀ ʀɪᴅᴀʜ ❦︎

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Re: CIT Settings [UPDATING]
« Reply #3 on: 15 11, 2018, 11:18:03 pm »
This is crazy Zelda, great great work on this

Thanks Rami

seems like it took a lot of time writing this, great work keep it up mate, Cheers  :thumb:

Yes, I will be updating the guide with the images / videos of each option. but to advance I post the first part.

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Re: CIT Settings [UPDATING]
« Reply #4 on: 16 11, 2018, 01:54:46 pm »
Nice tutorial, I'm sure this would be too hard to update ''Cloudfare is real''  :'(
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Re: CIT Settings [UPDATING]
« Reply #5 on: 17 11, 2018, 01:13:05 pm »

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Re: CIT Settings Interface [UPDATING]
« Reply #6 on: 18 11, 2018, 11:45:07 am »
Very helpful , Really great work ! Good job mate !
I apologize if I ever was a toxic person in your life, I'm maturing more everyday, correcting my wrongs and slowly but surely becoming a better version for me

Offline Zelda

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Re: CIT Settings [UPDATING]
« Reply #7 on: 18 11, 2018, 09:30:02 pm »
Nice tutorial, I'm sure this would be too hard to update ''Cloudfare is real''  :'(

Thanks, this error has already been solved.

Very helpful , Really great work ! Good job mate !

Thank you.


Thank you very much, I will be updating this every time I have time, I just added a format for the people who are more updated with the news about this system.

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Re: CIT Settings Interface [UPDATING]
« Reply #8 on: 29 12, 2019, 05:13:21 pm »
@Chin the owner of this topic is banned, shall I re-create it and add his name in changelog? OR would you do that, this topic is very important and the owner is banned so..
I apologize if I ever was a toxic person in your life, I'm maturing more everyday, correcting my wrongs and slowly but surely becoming a better version for me

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Re: CIT Settings Interface [UPDATING]
« Reply #9 on: 29 12, 2019, 11:16:35 pm »

Offline Senza

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Re: CIT Settings Interface [UPDATING]
« Reply #10 on: 29 12, 2019, 11:38:01 pm »
Anyone is free to make the same guideline by giving Zelda the effort and continuing updating this useful guideline. @SugarRush, if you are interested in doing that, I will send you his message to add, but you should give him credits.