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Decreasing News Reporters' Promotion Requirements


What is the suggestion going about?: News Reporter Job
Description: Decreasing News Reporters' promotion requirements by 50%
What would this suggestion improve: More workers would be motivated to keep in this job if they know they will be promoted in a fair time.
Why does this needs to be added?: Quoting the worker who gave the idea

--- Quote from: Tony98 on 19 04, 2015, 06:31:26 pm ---News Reporter is already under played due to the job requierments being super high. A good news reporter gets about 50 pictures an hour.L10 requiers 30,200 pictures,that takes about 604 hours to achieve.

--- End quote ---

So, lowering it by 50% would mean that to reach L10 a player would need 302 hours, quite balanced with the other jobs.

Can you provide us any examples?: -

Even 302 hours is a ridiculous waste of time so I've reduced promotion requirements by 75% for news reporter.


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