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Boat Races!

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What is the suggestion going about?: Adding Boat Races
Description: CIT's sea is kinda dead. Adding Boat Races can make sea alive. Race should be same with car/bike races. 9k per participant. Same rules with normal race.There aren't many boats in CIT however everyone will use Squalo and best driver will win the race. So basically same things with normal race , only difference , on sea.
What would this suggestion improve: There isn't any activity in sea. So this races can increase this activity a bit.
Why does this needs to be added?:  Stated above.
Can you provide us any examples?: I made some race routes but I think Rabbid can do these routes as much as he wants.
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Idk why are you taking down-votes, this actually will be good! But as a Beta test ask just to add 1 or 2 race models to avoid upload to the server +5 race models when this update might be a fail.

There was Something like this before idk exactly when . It was called the Karaoke Race so it won't need any scripting staffs can just start the Old Script

That would be great to have! I've experienced many boat races in GTA V and I enjoyed all of them and I think I'll enjoy it here as well.
In addition, boats in CIT are barley used, that will be a good usage for the boats

Rabbid Rabbit:
No one gonna add races if you don't give the coordinates.

You need to do /getpos, and every time it outputs '' current coordinates are .. '', that would be a checkpoint.
1st /getpos is start line and last one is finish line, obviously. Everything in between are the checks.


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